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From 8-0 to 0-5.... Will we be fooled again?
(01-11-2016, 06:03 AM)Adamantium Wrote: I think once we get a new coach and completely overhaul things from the top down, we'll start doing doing better.

I disagree.

A new coach will not automatically result in success.

The Browns overhaul every year.  The same with the Dolphins.  Look at the 49ners, they had success and decided to overhaul and now they are in shambles.

It is easy to think that having an overhaul from top down will equal success but think about this.

Mike Brown hires a GM.  That GM, decides to get a new HC.  That new HC brings in his own staff of coaches, who will want their own players.  That means, any player on this team could be traded or cut to make room for the staff's choices.

Could you imagine a new OC, that wants a different type of WR than Green?  Green is amazing as we all can agree, but he isn't a perfect WR and a new OC may decide that he could do better than having him on the team.  So he request to trade Green for draft picks or for a player that he wants.  The HC agrees with his OC, and the GM agrees with the HC.

So we trade Green for a draft pick.  That pick, is used for a WR, who is unproven in the NFL.  Green continues doing great things, while our new "stud" WR turns out to be a "dud".  So the OC was wrong, which means the HC as well as the GM was wrong.  How many chances do you give them to be wrong before you "blow things up" again and start from top to bottom?

Now you say "Surely there is no way they get rid of Green!", tell that to Eagles fans that thought there was no way Chip Kelly would remove McCoy and Jackson from his roster.  Yet even if they keep Green, just know that any failures that the new regime has will finger point to not having "their guys" on the roster.  So how many failures do we give them before we say "you're fired!" or "you know what, you are probably right, let's get rid of Green and try someone new".

Now I use Green, but you can exchange him for any number of players or even a majority of players on our roster.  Dalton, Green, Eifert, Atkins, Dunlap, MJ, MLJ, Hill, Bernard.

It isn't so easy to just start over.  We will be starting over in a way, Jackson is more than likely gone, which means a new OC.  Guenther is drawing interest which could mean a new DC.  As to getting a new HC, it is possible, but what type of stability do we have, if we do lose Jackson and Guenther?  

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RE: From 8-0 to 0-5.... Will we be fooled again? - Sovereign Nation - 01-11-2016, 07:09 AM

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