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Obama stretched the facts in his final SOTU
When I get elected as president off of my write in campaign, my SOTU Address will be short and sweet.


Clapping as I walk down the isle shaking hands and smiling and I get to the podium and endure the exhaustive clapping given as I smile, wave my hands to for everyone to stop and as those there settle down I say, "Thank you" and then have to endure another 45 seconds of clapping.

Once that finishes I will say "thank you, thank you and thank you mr. Speaker".

"I'd also like to thank everyone for everything ever done. Mr Lincoln, what a fantastic job you did with that emancipation PROCLOMATION!" and there will be a huge roar of applause and a bunch of "HERE, HERE"'s.

"I thank you for that"

More applause and I say "We are going to have a great year. We will get some stuff done and there will be other stuff that we may...I said may have to put off because we're going to be busy." Then in the evil professors voice from Frosty the Snowman I'll say "Busy, busy, busy". There will be laughter and another minute or so of clapping.

"the state of the United States is pretty good, it could be better and it will be better and I will do all I can to make it better. I really need to get back to work so I'll catch you all later. Good night and God Bless America".

And I'll exit out quickly.

10-15 minutes and finished.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

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RE: Obama stretched the facts in his final SOTU - Nebuchadnezzar - 01-13-2016, 02:32 PM

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