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NFL decides Bryant catch was 'no good'
Hit to the head outside the tackle box is a clear cut penalty by rule (unless it involves fining a Steeler). Had Gio lowered his head and contacted Shazier, it would have no doubt been a Bengal penalty. Sims and Nance were gushing about how it was one of the greatest catches ever, and we would see the highlights on Sportscenter. Wrong again boys, it wasn't shown much at all, they knew it wasn't a catch. We've been hosed countless times playing the Steelers, but this was on parade for the world to see. A couple of friends of mine (Bills and Packer fans) commented on how Steeler receivers were all over Adam Jones as he was defending against them, and there should have been penalties there as well, they weren't surprised when he blew up. Most people I talked to up here had no idea how the officiating was in these matchups, but they've seen it now. Denver owes them as well, we will see if the refs have the gall to try and bail them out this week, but it wouldn't surprise me to see them try. To me, the token fines to the Steeler coaches were total crap as well. They took a first rounder and doled out massive fines to the Pats for offenses they could not definitively prove they committed, yet fine two Steeler coaches 10k apiece while popping Jones for 28k plus and Burfict a half a mil effectively? Sure, he had it coming, but then again; it wasn't Porter's first infraction if you add in past history now was it? Even had we had replays to assess penalties, it wouldn't have helped here per their decision. Not sure why we bother playing the game against these guys. Whatever

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RE: NFL decides Bryant catch was 'no good' - Bengalsrob - 01-16-2016, 11:23 AM

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