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Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood
(01-19-2016, 08:11 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So why don't we just offer the poor birth control and health services without offering abortions....    Why do we need PP for that....    Health clinics can do the same thing without offering abortions on demand.    

First.  Lets stop ostracizing PP, when the real problem in your mind is abortions themselves.  Your problem is not with PP as a whole, its their fulfilling a specific service you staunchly oppose.

I'm sure you would agree that if targeted and concerted efforts were made to give unequivocal, universally free access to birth control (all forms); the number of abortions would decrease inversely.  In that scenario, the market wouldn't require PP to the extent it does today.  Like it or not, some women would prefer not to have a child at certain times of their lives.  If a greater % were on the pill or IUD, the numbers of possible abortions go down.  

As stated, PP is merely filing a gap created by the current state of health care inequality, specifically access to womens reproductive health care.  Poor people don't have the same access as higher socioeconomic classes.  Any conversation about abortion and reproductive rights is inextricably linked to health care inequality.  

Obviously there is no way to completely end abortions.  There will always be some scenarios we all agree where it is a needed and available procedure.  We may disagree on what those are, but I guarantee you that EVERYONE's goal would be to decrease the overall market demand for abortions as much as possible.  First step though, universal free access to all forms of birth control.   

Quote:As far as population control ....  Why do you think we need it?   Maybe the problem isn't new births ....  It's length of life.    Maybe you would be more comfortable with a Logan's Run scenario? 

Problem is both new births and length of life, its both a economic and resource issue.  Many of the problems we have domestically stem from economic inequality, internationally many are resource driven (Syria).  The only one we can control currently is the new births piece.  I'm not familiar with the Logan's Run model, but if you're saying we should pull the plug earlier on elderly people with a low quality of life, that seems like a real tough sell.  

Quote:You guys want to bring up gov money for single mothers.....  Maybe we should start promoting families again .... 2 parent homes.      

Families would be great.  But many families still live below the poverty line, with only 2 or 3 children.  2 parent homes are obviously ideal.  Family planning in conjunction with that is even better.

Quote:No one ever said stop birth control before pregnancy.    Take all the pills you want.... use condoms.   

Good to hear.  Keep in mind its the pills / IUD's that need to be accessible as they have been proven to be the most effective.  I would also suggest more federal research on the topic so pills / IUD's can become more effective for a larger % of the population.  There will always be a subset of women who cannot use these form because of forces beyond their control.  Instead of stigmatizing them for needing access to abortions, why not help advance the science in this issue.

Quote:But hey tell me all about your population control concerns?    I don't mind discussing this at all.

See above.  Too many people as it is.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Sam Brownback cuts medicaid funding to Planned Parentood - Vas Deferens - 01-19-2016, 09:07 PM

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