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Antwan Randel-El can't walk down stairs
Nately1 Wrote:You know the vast majority of NFL players have concussions before they even step onto an NFL field, most of them don't sign bazillion dollar contracts, and most of them don't play for decades.  I'm not telling you to feel bad for these guys like they are toddles with cancer, but your attitude towards this just smacks of some sort of "Serves you right!" sort of envy or something.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it.  I just think we may as well sit here and discuss how people who smoke deserve to get lung cancer, or how fitting it is when a fat guy drops dead while his children are still in grade school.  I'm supposed to thank some veteran in a wheelchair for paying the price for my freedom, but I'm not supposed to thank an NFL player who can't walk for paying the price for my entertainment? They both got paid more than burger-flippers, so fudge 'em, right?

But hey, compensation merits the risk...according to what?  Mike Webster dying homeless and mindless for the glory of 4 rings?_/b] Meh, times have changed and we know more now but [b]when I signed up for football in 8th grade I assure you the coach didn't sit us down and say "Ok, playing this sport might alter your brain to the point where you may kill yourself or others someday, so be warned."

1. In no way am I saying this serves anyone right. It sucks when anyone gets sick or has problems. I have compassion for them but I don't think the game should be altered.

2. You are reading way too much into this and my stance on concussions as how They are handled.

3. Smoking is yet another choice activity that people partake. Their are even labels on every pack. As long as they are labeled then the onus is on the smoker. Being fat is another story, I think the way we store food has a lot to do with that but that's getting into a rabbit hole and would deserve another thread all together.

4. The Vet put his life on the actual line for your freedom and way of life. Received in no way compensation that would change his family tree. Comparing them to a professional athlete is a joke man.

5. Mike Webster is a terrible story. But so is all the cases of homelessness and mental illness.

6. Don't know how old you are but my coaches always stated the risks associated. It was straight from the Riddel disclosures. Now that was years ago when hitting was allowed...... I have coached and we did/do educate on possible head injuries moreso as this has come to the forefront. I had a player two seasons ago that had 2 concussions fairly quickly. He missed about 5 weeks. Now why does our district have a concussion protocol..... Because of the fear of litigation. Now before I ramble on here ..... Kids having a strict protocol is fine. They are minors. But adults are fine to make their own decisions. As long as they have the information from the medical staff and independent docs.

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RE: Antwan Randel-El can't walk down stairs - StLucieBengal - 01-25-2016, 10:42 AM

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