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Top 10 Reasons Why Hitler Lost WWII
Invaded Russia at least 12 months too early. Credit Churchill with this.
Didn't invade Great Britain and tried to bomb them into submission.
Didn't supply the IRA with the weapons that they asked for to fight.
Didn't supply the Arabs with planes, weapons and artillery to fight the allies. Only supplied old weapons and trainers, lol.
Declared war on the United States after the United States declared war on Japan. Although, Hitler was forced to do so since Japan was an ally.
Had no one in his inner circle to tell him "No".
Was a drug addict...Meth head...go figure

EDIT: Also, Germany's rail system wasn't the same as the the rest of the world. Their tracks were wider and to get men and supplies to the eastern front, they had to transfer it all to different trains.

Another EDIT: Germany had far supperior technology than the rest of the world. Their tanks were the best but they were difficult to build and the crews didn't know how to fix anything if the tank broke down. Technicians had to be called to fix the tank. Plus, when the United States pumped of Sherman's at a ratio of something like 25:1, Germany couldn't keep up.

One More EDIT: the United States sent their best pilots back home to train others while Germany left their best pilots on the front lines. Also, to save pilots lives when shot down, the fuel tanks of the aircraft had a bladder in them. Fumes didn't build up in the wings and when shot, the planes didn't explode like the enemies did. This could have been Japan as well, I may be getting the two confused.

Then there's Bletchly Park and the cracking of the Enigma Machine.

The development of radar. I think it was Japan but it could have been Germany, anyway, the Allies used radar to find incoming aircraft and were able to scramble fighters. This is how Great Britain won the Battle of Britain. The Germans were developing radar to use as a weapon, lol. Of course, this may have been Japan, I don't remember.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

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RE: Top 10 Reasons Why Hitler Lost WWII - Nebuchadnezzar - 01-28-2016, 12:46 AM

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