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The Future of Europe - Hipsters slam Migration catastrophe
Here is my take on it. It is a big issue, but I don't see it as resulting in the demise of the EU or even sweeping government reform across Europe.

There has always been an anti-muslim immigration issue in Europe. I had a friend 25 years ago in college whoes mother was born and raised in France. Way back then she was blaming Muslim immigrants for ruining France. Just like there has always been anti-black issue with a portion of the US population. I have said all along that this flood of immigrants would be a major problem for Europe. In fact I predicted that it would justify a strong coalition to stabilize Syria. That has not happened yet, but the immigration issue is blowing up.

So far none of the anti-immigration groups have won anything close to a majority anywhere in Europe. They are making a lot of noise, but so far they have not shown that they have the votes to take over anything.

If I was in another country I could selectively choose news articles that could make it look like either (1) radical black mobs have taken over the country or (2) military type government forces have taken control of the country. I think that is what we are seeing here. A flood of stories about a group that does not really represent the majority position.

It is an issue that every one needs to keep en eye one. But I just recommend we wait and see what actually happens in elections before we decide how much weight to give all this noise.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Future of Europe - Hipsters slam Migration catastrophe - fredtoast - 01-28-2016, 12:46 PM

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