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48.9% of Unions members work for the Government
(01-30-2016, 01:47 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yes but why does the Union help keep the bad teachers employed.    All unions do this .... They work their tails off for the worst employees while the best get held back so they can protect the worthless.

Why do defense attorneys defend people they know to be guilty?  Answer, because that's their job.  

Quote:I would like to see these changes.  

1. No more taking unions dues out before guys are paid.    Each member writes a check for dues.  

The primary right wing talking point.   Why wouldn't you allow for people to agree to dues being taken directly from their paycheck?

Quote:2. Membership voluntary so people can negotiate their own deal.

You don't really mean this.  You think you do but you don't.  Due to reciprocity any contract deals negotiated by the union have to be conferred on all workers.  If you allowed this not to be the case you'd be creating a bureaucratic morass in which you'd have to accurately track thousands of different deals; pay scales, vacation and sick days... pretty much everything for thousands of different employees.

Quote:3. Unions can not do any policital lobbying/campaigning.    They can make recommendations on which candidates to donate towards.   Then members donate themselves.
I'm down with this, as soon as you extend this to all corporations as well.  Either allow only private individuals to donate or allow money to come from any entity.  This is the most blatantly obvious, and thus the most inane, of the right wing talking points to eliminate unions.  It's so blatantly one sided and hypocritical it cannot be logically defended.

Quote:4. No federal employee should even have the option to be in a union .

There's your advocacy for freedom again.  Why federal and not state, county or city?  What's so evil about federal employees that you want them treated as second class citizens?

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RE: 48.9% of Unions members work for the Government - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 01-30-2016, 12:44 PM

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