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The Future of Europe - Hipsters slam Migration catastrophe
GMDi Wrote:Not if you kept it all in one thread and didn't have 20 threads about the same thing.

Exactly!  Finally a breakthrough!  You have a bias and won't even TRY to see the other side!


Word play.  Show where you said you were wrong.

Because you have not been.  But since you refuse to believe anything other than what you already "know" you can't see that.  

Oh, you care.  You care a LOT.  That's why you can't admit you were wrong about anything.  It is your nature and has been shown over and over on these boards.

And please feel free to continue to be that way.  But please stop playing the "they are picking on me" card when people point out where you are wrong...excuse me..."mistaken".

1. You can't keep all European issues in one thread. That's just silly and to think we can do that and still have an actual discussion is a joke. You just don't like the facts of the situation because you refuse to be critical of anyone with dark skin or Muslim .

2. I am also against human trafficking does that mens that I have to post articles showing how great that is ? Or is this just some ridiculous standard you are holding me to because it involves dark skinned people or Muslims?

3. Plenty of times. Feel free to waste your personal time and search my posts. Roto, mike, Benton, sunset, bfine all find stuff where I mixed it up. It gets sorted an we move on in the discussion. No one stops the presses. This sounds like a you problem... So as I said .... Waste your personal time and search away .

4. Haha ok. Believe as you wish. There is one thing I have been correct on every step of the wag and that's been Europe. When some start making a coalition with Russia like I called before .... Then maybe you will finally admit it lol

5. It's a bengals message board.

I have been the same way since the I started posting. The fact you guys are still getting upset is sad yet hilarious.

Please keep obsessing over me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Future of Europe - Hipsters slam Migration catastrophe - StLucieBengal - 01-30-2016, 05:57 PM

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