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US military commander in Iraq and Syria rejects GOP pledges to 'carpet-bomb' Isis
(02-02-2016, 09:13 PM)McC Wrote: It was a war that should never have been fought, was begun under false pretenses.  Jr. wanted his war cuz Daddy had his and Americans wanted somebody to pay for 9/11. 

But you can't erase the past.  But you do have to figure out a future.  And leaving will not make the enemy stop.  So, if they're not gonna stop, you can't up and leave.  It's a lot easier to hunt them down if you're on the same continent.

We screwed up just walking away from Afghanistan after the Russians got chased out.  We could have won the hearts and minds by sticking around.   But, since we were never there, we couldn't stay.

That's what governments do.  They  make agenda based decisions.  And the people pay the price.  A country gets judged based on the actions of its government.  That's appropriate to a degree.  I say to a degree because what any government does is create ways to take power away from the people.  And it also doesn't tell nearly the whole story.

Just like you can't judge France if you've never lived among the French, you can't judge America if you haven't lived with Americans. 

I've met people from all over the world and they are all basically the same.  Not exactly the same, but basically the same.  They're all looking for better for their children.

How many terror attacks have there been since the US recognized Israel as a country?  How many were there before?

For every action there is a reaction. 

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RE: US military commander in Iraq and Syria rejects GOP pledges to 'carpet-bomb' Isis - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-02-2016, 09:25 PM

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