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82 shot, 14 fatalities, over the 4th of July weekend
(02-03-2016, 12:06 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Hell, I can think of one off the top of my head. He may have even had a son that looked like one of the murdered this past weekend. 

I know you are a Republican and all you want is to keep up the race war to garner votes for your you'll ignore any truth.

Quote:Obama Emphasized Importance Of Black Role Models To Combat Pervasive Violence In 2013 Morehouse College Speech. In his May 2013 commencement speech at the historically black, all-male Morehouse College, Obama explained the importance of having black male role models and addressed poverty and violence in black communities (emphasis added):

Quote:OBAMA: But that doesn't mean we don't have work -- because if we're honest with ourselves, we know that too few of our brothers have the opportunities that you've had here at Morehouse.  In troubled neighborhoods all across this country -- many of them heavily African American -- too few of our citizens have role models to guide them.  Communities just a couple miles from my house in Chicago, communities just a couple miles from here -- they're places where jobs are still too scarce and wages are still too low; where schools are underfunded and violence is pervasive; where too many of our men spend their youth not behind a desk in a classroom, but hanging out on the streets or brooding behind a jail cell.
OBAMA: So be a good role model, set a good example for that young brother coming up.  If you know somebody who's not on point, go back and bring that brother along -- those who've been left behind, who haven't had the same opportunities we have -- they need to hear from you.  [White House, 5/19/13]
Speaking At Chicago School, Obama Addressed Gun Violence. In a February 2013 speech at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago, Obama addressed the problem of gun violence in the city and reflected on his own experience growing up:
Quote:President Barack Obama offered a personal reflection on gun violence here Friday, tackling the issue not as a policymaker or parent, but as a black man himself who knew how close he'd come to a very different fate.
Speaking of the economic struggles and broken homes that he identified as the root causes, Obama talked about his own experiences as a young African-American man, causing trouble and, later, trying to affect change on the streets here.
"Don't get me wrong, as the son of a single mom ... I turned out OK ... but at the same time I wish I had a father who was involved, around," Obama said. [Politico2/15/13]
Obama Referenced Chicago Violence In Speech On Gun Policy. In a January 2013 address, Obama referenced violence in Chicago while introducing "the most sweeping gun policy reform in a generation," alluding to the "'too frequent' shooting deaths of 'kids on street corners of Chicago.'" [Huffington Post, 1/16/13]
Obama Created "My Brother's Keeper" Initiative "To Help Young Men Of Color." In July, Obama announced an expansion of his "My Brother's Keeper" initiative, aimed at "bolstering the lives of young minority men and boys":
Quote:The goals of My Brother's Keeper are broadly to help young men of color at critical moments of their lives, including early literacy, high school and in the teens and early 20s when so many are sucked into the so-called school-to-prison pipeline.
"We want fewer young men in jail, we want more of them in college," Obama said on Monday. "We want fewer young men on the streets, we want more of them in the boardrooms. We want everybody to have a chance to succeed in America." [, 7/21/14]
Michelle Obama Addressed Violence In Chicago At Funeral Of Teenager Hadiya Pendleton. First lady Michelle Obama spoke out against violence in Chicago at the funeral of Hadiya Pendleton, killed days after performing at President Obama's 2013 inauguration. From the speech:
Quote:"But I got to grow up and go to Princeton and Harvard Law School and have a career and family and the most blessed life I could ever imagine. And Hadiya? Oh we know that story. Just a week after she performed at my husband's inauguration, she went to a park with some friends, and got shot in the back. Because some kid thought she was in a gang. Hadiya's family did everything right, but she still didn't have a chance. And that story, the story of Hadiya's life and death, we read that story day after day, month after month, year after year In this city and around this country. I'm not talking about something that's happening in a war zone halfway around the world. I'm talking about what's happening in the city we call home. The city where we're raising our kids."[Slate, 4/10/13]
Civil Rights Groups Have Also Addressed Violence In Black Communities 
NAACP Met With Chicago Mayor To Address Gun Violence. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People met with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in November 2013 "to discuss ways to fight gun violence in the city." [NAACP, 11/20/14]
National Action Network Called For Action On Chicago Violence. In July, the National Action Network called for action on violence in Chicago and planned "to convene an anti-violence summit of national civil rights leaders" in the city. [ABC 7 Chicago, 7/10/14]

Quote:Speaking to police chiefs in Chicago, the president affirmed the distrust between people of color and law enforcement, but argued cops bear too much blame for it.

Quote:Baltimore Pastor Jamal Bryant, who delivered a eulogy for Freddie Gray, said Thursday that President Obama was guilty of “black-on-black crime” for calling the city’s rioters “thugs.”

Mr. Bryan told Fox’s Megyn Kelly that both Mr. Obama and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake committed “black-on-black crime” for referring to looters and arsonists as “thugs.”
“They have committed black on black crime by using that word against people who look just like them. Absolutely,” the Empowerment Temple AME Church pastor said.

Mr. Obama said during an April 28 White House press conference: “You’ve got some of the same organizers now going back into these communities to try to clean up in the aftermath after a handful of criminals and thugs who tore up the place.”

“I don’t know, I might be wrong, but I see Barack Obama, and he doesn’t strike me as a racist guy,” “The Kelly Factor” host said, Mediaite reportedThursday.

Quote:Why does the black community raise a ruckus when a white person kills a black person, which is rare, but not when a black person kills a black person, which is far less rare?

It's a complaint perennially lodged by conservative commentators. Jason Riley, an African-American editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal, criticized the Rev. Al Sharpton's appearance in Ferguson, Mo. "The problem is not cops shooting blacks but blacks shooting each other," he asserted. Yet "so-called black leaders are much more interested in making excuses for this behavior than they are in denouncing it unequivocally."
"What about black-on-black violence?" demanded Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum, who is white. "Where is Al Sharpton on that? Where is the president on that?"
Funny you should ask. Sharpton made a publicized trip to Chicago in November to focus attention on the city's chronic violence. Last year, Michelle Obama attended the funeral ofHadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old black honor student who was shot, allegedly by a black gang member.

The first lady later returned to Chicago to converse with students at a school that is nearly 100 percent African-American. "In choosing Harper High School for the visit, the White House noted that 29 current or former students there had been shot in the last year, eight of them fatally," reported the Tribune.
The president also came here, meeting with kids involved in a mentoring program for at-risk adolescent boys, bemoaning gun violence and telling a crowd on the South Side, "Our streets will only be as safe as our schools are strong and our families are sound."

I gotta tell ya Larry...just because it sounds good in your head doesn't mean it is true.

But at least it gives me the opportunity to point out that you are not only wrong, but that you won't admit it.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: 82 shot, 14 fatalities, over the 4th of July weekend - GMDino - 02-03-2016, 12:14 AM

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