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48.9% of Unions members work for the Government
(01-29-2016, 02:35 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Income equality continues to evaporate and private sector union membership declines at the same time.  Must be a coincidence?  Also interesting that you lament the power of the government yet want government employees to be helpless drones for it.

There is no coincidence. Income inequality comes from production inequality. Low production brings low income. No production brings welfare income. High production brings high income. "Ok" average production brings average income. Thieving brings theft income, like banks and governments and monopolies and drug dealers and welfare takers (corporate and personal).

A lot of people tend to lump high producers in with the criminal band and they cannot see the difference. But there is a big difference. The high producer is highly productive and works their asses off. The criminal band doesn't produce anything of value and takes without exchanging back something of comparable worth.

It is truly that simple. The low income person or low producer, however you put it is the same thing. They consume more than they produce and are consequently always broke because they offer society less value than what they themselves need to survive.

A high producer is delivering in higher volume and at a quality at least acceptable to those purchasing what is produced.

You can see the production inequality in the government's unemployment statistics where the "non-participation" rate is at record highs. The non-participants are simply people who choose not to produce and so live off those who do produce. That is why they are in poverty. It's not rocket science.

There is not some grand conspiracy to rob people of their income except those policies pressed upon the population by politicians who handout those welfare checks and bloated contracts in mass quantities as bribes for votes. It is the socialist and corrupt officials who is causing the income inequality by convincing people to not produce and take a handout instead, which is never really quite enough and traps the recipient in a life of poverty. These politicians have robbed these people of their dignity and self worth, and they've done so intentionally.

Look around at the top producers in the world. They are all hard workers.

There are fake producers in the world, like bankers and monopolies and governments, all of whom take and offer substandard or out right harm in return. Take a drug dealer. He's selling harm for money. So is the government and the banks. You are convinced you "need" it, but it harms you to accept it.

You can produce a lot and never sell that work and be broke. You can't build 20 houses just for yourself and call it being productive. You have to exchange what you produce with others who are willing to pay you for it. The bad worker can spend lots of hours on the job and produce little and may even do more harm than good. The unions protect these bad workers.

With the government, however, little actual usable goods or services are produced. And those which are produced are of low quality and cost excessive amounts of money.

Look at the streets where you live. Are they kept up at a high standard or are they a patch work done over patch work? How are the sidewalks? Cracked and buckled or kept in top shape?

Look at public schools. Is every child graduated with the ability to read and write and perform valuable work? I think not, not even close. And why? Because public unions are in way protecting large unearned teacher pensions while the children of the illiterate become more illiterate each generation. Oh, and this is intentional by the way. You have to have stupid people who can vote in bad politicians in volume so that you can have destructive laws and socialism.

The hard worker will never accept socialism because he or she knows full well that he or she doesn't need the government's services to survive. And with 48% of the US households take some form of government handout, no one can argue that there are that many people who are so unable they can't earn a living. Those who cannot work due to real disabilities is actually quite small.

Go ahead and try and understand Medicare, that thing you pay vast amounts of money into each paycheck, if you are even an average producer, and see if you can figure it out. Go ahead and phone the government and see if you get to talk to someone in the next hour or two. Do they actually help you really? I doubt it.

You can tell a higher producer when you see one. They are all about production. They respond to higher taxes by being even more productive and earning more. You charge them an extra percent and they'll figure out how to get that 1%, plus another 2% to boot. These people would rather work than watch TV - I assure that this is true.

You can tell a low producer as well. They'll give you all manner of excuses about how they try or have bad luck or this or that or something else or it's someone else, but never them. No matter what, they never really seem to produce anything valuable.

The high producers make the world go round. The criminals (governments, banks, monopolies and welfare cases) only take and exchange back no valuable production and they are the ones f'ing it all up. Caught in the middle are the mostly "Ok" producers who being oppressed by the criminal band.

How much you produce is 100% under your own control. How good of a job you do is 100% under your own control. There's lots of work to be done out in the world, you only need to find something people will pay you to produce, then produce it and get them to see that it's available for them.

I view myself as an ok producer. I own four businesses and have employees. I don't lavish myself with new cars, expensive vacations or many days off. I choose different uses for my money.

I have several millionaire friends and I can tell you that one for one they all out work me and I out work about 99% of the population.

I also know a banker. He works 9-5 and acts like he's overworked.

It's just a choice. Choose to be highly productive and do the best you can, choose something less or choose to produce nothing. The government is making it easier and easier to choose the latter and that's letting everyone down in a big way.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: 48.9% of Unions members work for the Government - BengalChris - 02-06-2016, 02:48 AM

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