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Soldiers of Odin the next European vigilante group
(02-08-2016, 10:47 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Here is the problem.  You have taken a couple of factual articles and created a completely exaggerated hypothetical that does not exist.  It would be like me claiming that just because Fox News ran a story against affirmative action then they are in favor of slavery.

As a white guy you have to go to Make believe land in order to use play your victim card.  It doesn't happen in real life so you make it happen in your own imagination.

You want to see more proof of white privilege......If you think a negative article in a magazine equal "oppression" then you are probably a straight white guy.

Right, sparky.  Think what you will.  You are completely oblivious.

No make believe chief.  I have witnessed white oppression.

Are the white farmers in Zimbabwe not being oppressed?  Some are being arrested, others have been killed.

You think these articles are factual?  So Dylann Roof kills people and it is the whole white races fault. 

Radical Islamist kill people but we shouldn't judge the whole religion, just the actual shooters.

When a black person commits a crime it is due to some negative effect brought on by whites, but a white person commits a crime then that is proof of how evil and vile whites are.

Did you know that businesses get tax breaks for hiring minorities?  Know how many white guys I know can't get a job, even though they are more qualified than the non-white that got the job? 

As I have said.  White privilege is a myth and I denounce it.  In order for me to acknowledge white privilege then blacks have to acknowledge Black privilege.

Want proof of black privilege.  Black pride is allowed.  A school that originally named a fitness center, Roger T. White Pride fitness center.

The family of Roger T. White was the largest donor and the fitness center was originally named Pride Fitness Center.  So they decided to combine the names. 

So blacks having pride in their race... ThumbsUp

Whites having pride int their race?  WTF :boo:

Since blacks refuse to acknowledge the privileges afforded to them, then I refuse to acknowledge perceived privileges that they try to impose on me.

Your self hatred would be alarming, but hey, some people just don't get it, and you are one of them.  So you don't even realize how much you hate yourself.

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RE: Soldiers of Odin the next European vigilante group - Sovereign Nation - 02-08-2016, 11:12 AM

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