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Cuomo issues crackdown on LGBT conversion therapy
More leftist crock.

If members of the LBGT are struggling with their little predicament, why should they not be able to seek counseling?
If they are content, then they are content, no worries.

 LGBT as a psycho disorder has been expunged from the book of psycho disorders and has been replaced with a new word. Instead of "disorder" it is "dysphoria".

Gender Dysphoria as Listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)

Gender dysphoria is listed as a psychological condition in the DSM-5 to account for the significant distress a person might experience when a person’s gender identity or expression does not correspond with that person’s physical sex assigned at birth. In the previous edition, the condition was listed as gender identity disorder, but after receiving criticism about the stigmatizing effect of the word “disorder,” the condition was renamed gender dysphoria to ensure gender noncomformity was not labeled as a mental disorder.

Diagnosis of gender dysphoria in adults requires:
  • A notable conflict between their gender identity or expression and the sex they were assigned at birth that persists for at least six months.
  • Measurable impairment or distress in routine functions, such as social or professional, as a result of the condition.

Diagnosis of gender dysphoria in children requires:
  • Verbalization of the desire to be the other gender.

Its still a disorder imo.

There is rhyme and reason for everything in nature. Sexual attraction toward the opposite sex is there for procreation period. Sexual attraction for the same sex serves no purpose. Its useless. Results in nothing. Unnatural and weird.

An NAACP worker thinks she's black. You mean she's not weird?

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RE: Cuomo issues crackdown on LGBT conversion therapy - Vlad - 02-08-2016, 02:30 PM

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