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Black History Month: An Alternative
(02-13-2016, 10:13 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: To first bold, I know it causes confusion, and that's my point. "Privilege" doesn't mean the same thing to everyone when arguing about white privilege which is why I stated my definition of it. Secondly, I don't think it's a matter of simplicity, I think it's a matter of agreements and disagreements. As I've already stated I could write paragraphs after paragraphs on this subject but I don't really care to.

To the second bold, could you please point me to the point in my post where I said or inferred that white people don't struggle? Cause I'm pretty sure I acknowledged that white people don't have perfect lives.

What point are you making here exactly? You're acting like I said black people always struggle or something. And blacksplaining? Not sure what that means but okay.

I don't fall for anything. I don't think I'm being oppressed. White privilege and oppression are two entirely seperate issues.

You're missing the point. A black person doesn't have to dress like a "thug" to be singled out as a "thug". That was the whole point I was trying to get at...... You're right, everyone does get harassed, but a lot of black people are singled out for being black regardless of how they dress and it happens more to them than it does to white people.

If you don't have a clue what it's like being black in this country then why are you even arguing with me? You just basically voided you're entire argument about blacks. Obviously I see more value in your ability to think than you do in mine. You don't have to be of a particular race to get a general idea of how the world works.

Yep, you're right, I can go on youtube and watch such videos and there are black officers that profile whites, don't really see your point. And good grief..... you haven't had a single officer admit to you they do that with blacks..... as if that's supposed to prove something.

It is important, just as much as you being called those things is important. The problem here is that you want to diminish these words because you don't really care, but these words are a problem because they perpetuated certain ideas about race. I never said white people don't get called names, but the idea behind black people being N words has a deeper problem too it. Of course they don't rate on the same level because they don't even mean the same thing.

Well, no I have. The point I was making was that all the things black people experience are to a more severe extent. Obviously you will disagree with that. And no I haven't had to do that, but I don't see how that makes blacks more privileged.

Oh, so you are going with, "I didn't say that, so please show where I did."

In your second paragraph you state that "blacks get harassed more in this country than whites."  You didn't say that we don't struggle, only that blacks struggle MORE so.  Which was the point I was making.  The fact you think blacks struggle more than whites means that you think blacks deserve to complain about white privilege.  So the struggle for blacks should be taken seriously, whites, let's just ignore them. 

However, most on these boards, go with "I didn't say that" and they scream strawman a lot.  So go right ahead and join them.

Blacksplaining is a play on the term whitesplaining, which liberals and blacks in the media have used against any white that tries to talk about racism.  The original term was mansplaining, which feminist used to silence any man that would try to talk about the disparities between men and women.  So liberals, thinking they are more clever than they really are, decided to play on the mansplaining by using the term whitesplaining.  I am mocking them, by using the term blacksplaining.

White privilege is a form of white oppression.  It is used as a tool to shame whites for being white.  It assumes special powers and privileges are bestowed on white people at birth.  So no, white privilege isn't oppression, it is a form of oppression.  It is a way to marginalize whites, and as any liberal college will tell you, marginalizing a group of people is a bad thing.  However, it seems to be OK as long as that group is white.

Now you are being very deceitful.  Show 1 time a black man in a business suit was called a thug and was disrespected?  If you say Gates, I will know you have an agenda, since Gates was the one that started by being disrespectful to a cop that was called to check on suspicious activity.  The cop was just trying to find out who he was and what he was doing there.  He was the one that escalated the situation, and got what he wanted, a video of his arrest to claim more victimhood status. 

I will give you this one.  I understand and sympathize with blacks in this country.  I do know how tough life can be and I can relate to struggling with them.  However, to say that I know and understand all the nuances of being black would be a lie.  Just like it is a lie for you to claim to know how white people get treated better than black people in this country.  You have no way of knowing this.  You are not white.  You can easily see my privilege, and even though you admit to having black privilege, you still can't so easily see your own.

Oh, so please show me the youtube videos of actual police racially profiling blacks. 

Here is a video of what I actually said, that there are plenty of times whites are targeted by blacks for being white:

This is probably one of your videos that "proves" racial profiling right?

However, the video starts, after the start of the contact by the police officer.  The "innocent" black man, was being rude, non compliant and argumentative with the officer.  The slant that the biased black would have you believe is that he "dindu nuffin" and "why you stopping me".  The cop himself is being racially profiled for being a "racist" cop, just because he is white.

This might be hard for blacks to believe, but a white man acting the same way will get the same treatment.

And there you go again.... "Sure it is a problem to be called slurs, BUT the issue is BIGGER when the word is ******", UMMMM, no.  the issue isn't bigger, it is exactly the same.  You can't claim extra status for a slur directed at you if you ever want me to take you seriously about wanting equality.  If you want real equality you would be just as angry and outraged at blacks using racial slurs as you do whites.  However, people name call, it happens, you can either grow up or you can cry like a child that hasn't grown thick skin. 

You haven't showed one thing that blacks only experience in this country that white people haven't also been victims of.  However by your own admission there is things in this country that white have been a victim of, yet blacks have had a pass at.  At least that was before more whites have woken up to the insanity that is political correctness.

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RE: Black History Month: An Alternative - Sovereign Nation - 02-13-2016, 11:09 PM

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