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Black History Month: An Alternative
(02-14-2016, 09:10 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: The funniest part is the misrepresentation here.

The video is from Youtube, not a white supremacist site.  Not only that. but you say don't believe everything that is heavily slanted but the school system that you attend is heavily slanted liberal.  Might be why you are a democratic liberal?

But when you are conditioned to hate your self as much as you do, it is easy to be ignorant when someone is not self hating and attack them for having a positive view on their own heritage.

Can you name one good thing that white people have done?  Something positive.

The irony of you crying about me using the same word over and over is that what is it that YOU, Dino, Patty and Matty always do?  You cry Strawman! OVER and OVER and OVER.  Since I am a pro-white and not anti-non white, and that concept is alien to you do to your brainwashing, has the same words being thrown at me that liberals all have in common.  Racist, White Supremacist...  if I was black you would celebrate my desire to be pro-black. 

"Oh no!  SN is calling me what I am, over and over.  I know, I will just repeat over and over that he is Strawmanning and a racist, White Supremacist!"

That is you Freddie.

Avtually there is a specific definition for a "strawman argument" and I only use it when ity is appropriate.  and almost everyone of your arguments is a complete strawman.  i don't hate myself.  I am not ashamed.  I do not feel guioty.  I like what white people have done and have no problem celebrating it.

But NONE of this keeps me from recognizing that there is a clear privilege to being white in the UNited Statesd.

You have no real arguments.  All you do is make stuff up and say it is true over and over again.  Bsically all you have to back up your position is a claim that you know everything and that anyone who disagrees with you is brainwashed.  You sound as pathetic as Brad.

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RE: Black History Month: An Alternative - fredtoast - 02-14-2016, 09:17 PM

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