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Why would anyone would stand up?
(02-18-2016, 08:34 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote:   It is also funny since you have yet to provide any evidence, other than your own opinions, that I am a white supremacist.  You can't find one post where I say whites are better than blacks 

I am a proud white man but I do not consider myself a white supremacist.

The difference between us is that I can be proud of the good things white people have done without also believing that blacks are an inferior race to white people.

here are the statements you have made that show you believe that whites are a superior race to blacks.....

"Fred, I want you to take a trip to SA.  When it was controlled by whites, not a bad place to be.  Now blacks are in control.  They have attack the whites, it isn't safe to be white there, and it is in ruin.

Do you think that if blacks were in control here that it would be any different than SA?" .......claiming that inferior blacks are unable to govern, and that they are better off being denied equal rights in order to be governed by superior white people.

"It was white people that did away with slavery.  Blacks didn't free themselves.  

There are countless white people that have died putting an end to the notion of slavery.

What do we get for it?  Constant reminder of how at one time whites in America owned slaves.  Constant accusations of racism."......claiming that not only are blacks inferior because they needed white people to end slaveryand also that they are ungrateful.  The historical facts will show that black people continued to suffer oppression at the hands of white people long after slavery was ended.

"I could care less what happens to blacks in black communities.  I am just being vigilant for when their activities start spilling over into my community.  I also think there should be a place for whites only, a safe place for them.".....despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of the crime committed against white people is from other white people you try to claim that if the superior white people could live separate from the inferior violent blacks then they would be "safe".

"What is even more humorous is that you are quick to point out how blacks have been oppressed in our society 50 years ago, but you are blind to the whites being oppressed that is being done today.".....This is by far your most common attack on inferior black people.  They are oppressing white people, bit white people do not oppress black people.  I could list several posts where you repeat this same theme.  Whites do not have any privilege in current American society because they treat everyone fairly, yet blacks continue to oppress and mistreat white people.

"I can't stand the white guilt people.  I get why non-whites push the agenda.  If whites didn't feel guilty then they couldn't walk all over them like they do.".....This is another of your favorite attacks on black people.  Youn claim they are all lying schemers who only want to manipulate white people so that they can "walk all over them" and "get things they don't deserve".

"If you want to attack anyone for slavery, then you should be attacking the original slave owners"...Blanket denial of all fault for white people involved in the slave trade.  Superior white people did nothing wrong and all the blame should be placed on the inferior black people.  This is like saying that drug dealers in America should not be blamed for their actions because most of the cocaine and herion comes from other countries.

"Again, Fred, move to an all black neighborhood.  After 1 week, come back to me and tell me about white privilege."....repeat of the claim that blacks oppress while whites do not.

"Blacks don't want reparations from the US, they want it from the White US.  If blacks were the majority leaders in the US, they wouldn't want reparations."....repeat of claim that blacks are all just schemers trying to get something they don't deserve.

"I have told you why it isn't made a big deal, which is that white people know that it isn't the polices fault that the majority of serial killers are white.  Just because a group doesn't complain about profiling doesn't mean profiling doesn't happen to them.".... Inferior blacks are whiners.  superior white people never whine.  this one is borderline comedy considering that over the last few days you have made dozens of posts doing nothing excpet whining about how oppressed white people are Hilarious 

"Anyone who thinks that a black person living in a black dominated society would treat whites the same when hiring, firing, or doing business is either naive, dumb or disingenuous.".......Repeat of claim that black people would discriminate against white people while denying that white people ever discriminate aginst black people.

"If you acknowledge white privilege, then that only gives power over to those that also have privilege but refuse to acknowledge their own, it would give them a moral high ground from which to constantly ask for things that they aren't entitled to."......Repeat of claim that blacks are lying manipulative schemers just trying to get stuff they don't deserve.

"African Studies professors are notoriously Anti-white and they go out of their way to paint a negative picture of whites in history while insisting that the Africans were a good and virtuous race."........Repeat of claim that blacks are manipulative liars. 

"However, black officers don't like it, because they don't seem to want to only have to police neighborhoods that only have blacks.  
Not so, Oddly enough, black civilians don't like it either, because then they can't claim racism or profiling as easy."  ....These claims have to do with assigning all black officers to mainly black areas.  Suggests that black officers are cowards and afriad of black violence.  And, of course, a repeat of the claim that blacks are just lying schemers trying to get away with something.

"2 ***** and probably a black."....Using the term "black" as a derogatory insult.    'Nuf siad.

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RE: Why would anyone would stand up? - fredtoast - 02-18-2016, 02:14 PM
RE: Why would anyone would stand up? - McC - 02-25-2016, 06:29 PM

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