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Why would anyone would stand up?
(02-18-2016, 01:52 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Or maybe white people are just more likely to commit hate crimes against blacks than the other way around.

Haven't you used crime stats to support your position before?

The stat that I used was your stat.  This is rich though.  You are saying that when a white cop is stopping a black suspect, that the black suspect is to be believed that he was racially profiled and targeted.  There is no other reason that the cop might have to stop the black man.  

However all those times a white person performs a crime against a black person then it has to be proof that white people commit more hate crimes than blacks.

The flip flopping is amusing.

(02-18-2016, 01:57 PM)fredtoast Wrote: First of all, could everyone please respond OUTSIDE of the quote so that other people can quote your response when responding.

SN quote...."What he doesn't get freedom of speech?  I know that was Fred who said this, but again, he is fired, Grundy is not.  His was a joke and at no time was he calling for the death of black people."

A person attack on a co-worker is totally different than comments on the state of society.  

And how do you know his comments were a joke?  Because he is white and it is impossible for a white man to be cruel and racist?

First off all.  No.  I will respond however I choose to. 


I didn't see him attack his co-worker.  He took a picture, posted it, referred to the kid as feral and his friends jumped on the bandwagon. 

Again your comments are very anti-white.  You think calling for the death of a group of people to be OK and ignored, however a picture on facebook should be met with harsh reaction.

More projection of your white guilt.  Just because he is white doesn't mean he is faultless.  Unless you reach, and I know you do, there is no logical way any of my comments suggest that whites are virtuous.  However you seem to think blacks are virtuous.  This reminds me of the story of the Hakens and Anders.  Hakens are evil, Anders are virtuous.  By that logic alone, only Anders can tell the truth and Hakens are the only ones capable of lying.

(02-18-2016, 02:00 PM)fredtoast Wrote: SN quote...... The result was 2 innocent white men where removed.

This is not true at all.  They failed at their jobs.  That is why they lost them.

Actually they resigned.  I don't know what you know about the story, but they resigned over the pressure built up by alleged incidents of the n-word being used by a passing truck and supposedly a poop swastika was found in one of the bathrooms.  No proof of either incident having taken place.

Either way, the president and the chancellor resigned and stepped down due to these allegations.  

(02-18-2016, 02:02 PM)fredtoast Wrote: SN quote....Just look at the Charleston shooting, within hours of the attack the headlines read "Possible Hate crime" - there was just a bit of a dispute as to what type of hate crime it was.  Many saw it a hate crime against Christians, but then they decided it was a hate crime for against blacks.  No, you don't get to call them responsible for not calling this crime a hate crime and expect me not to be laughing at the absurdity of the claim.

You don't think the Charleston shootings were a "hate crime" that were racially motivated?

Where did I say it wasn't a hate crime or racially motivated?  No, I was pointing out how quick the media was to coin it a hate crime, while they are very reluctant to call the Marine attack a hate crime.  (BTW, anybody know the name of the Marine?  I bet they would be surprised.)

(02-18-2016, 02:05 PM)fredtoast Wrote: SN quote....You're clearly not any good with them either.  You can manipulate them all you want, it is still manipulation.  You continuing to cling to this even after I have told you that it is inaccurate is sad.  The police kill more whites than they do blacks.

White people commit more rapes than black people.

White people commit more murders than black people.

White people steal more thanb lack people.

I could go one and on, but I think this proves my point.

None of this refutes my stance.  Which is that you can manipulate the stats to fit your argument.

For instance, White people commit more rapes than black people.


Stat manipulation:

More white women are raped by black men than black women raped by white men.

You were quick to throw out that stat when it was presented to you.  I didn't challenge it, why?  Because stats can be manipulated and we would just go into a stat war.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why would anyone would stand up? - McC - 02-25-2016, 06:29 PM
RE: Why would anyone would stand up? - Sovereign Nation - 02-19-2016, 04:55 AM

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