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Trump: You should boycott Apple
(02-20-2016, 06:29 PM)Nately120 Wrote: This is a bit of a side rant, but I hear people bring this up a lot.  I'm of the mind that Trump can do and say whatever he wants because he is legacy rich and has no accountability, not because he's awesome and/or it's the right thing to do.  I'm just saying that a lot of lazy people who are on welfare or disability can do and say all sorts of rude and offensive things because they don't have to answer to anyone, or face the consequences of their actions.

Anywho, I just wanted to point out that there are a lot of worthless people out there who are anti-PC and go around saying what is on their mind (also known as being a huge arsehole).  I guess I'm biased here, but I've just seen to many of the lowest rungs of society flaunt their offensiveness while people like me have to actually treat people with an amount of dignity in order to make it though life.

Actually, Trump's lack of accountability reminds me of anonymous internet commenting.  Trump/some guy on welfare/someone behind a computer screen can say all sort of un-PC stuff and act like he's just "telling it like it is" and get away with it, but I just find it less admirable than some.  Maybe people desire to live their lives without having to adhere to some sort of societal pressure to not offend people and they figure praising Trump for having the funds to get away with it is sort of vicarious living.

Just something I think is interesting.  Feel free to ignore me...but realize if I ever become super rich or super poor that I'm totally going to offend you!  MWA HA HA!!!
this touches on one of the things that drives me crazy about trump supporters (and apologies for getting ot). Many talk about how his non-PC attitude makes them like them. No. It doesn't. Not unless you're inherited wealthy like him or on food stamps. For most of us, if we ran around talking like he does, we'd be fired. Or our kids would have to change schools. Or, at the very least, you wouldn't be coaching youth league sports any more. Trump has no idea what its like to be working class because he's never had to refrain from throat punching a moron.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Trump: You should boycott Apple - Benton - 02-20-2016, 06:39 PM

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