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Issue with My Neighbor (Would Like Your Opinion)
(02-23-2016, 12:51 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.) Don't know why the guy complained, but I have learned that I can liosten to music plenty loud enough to enjoy it without upsetting any neighbors.

2.) He may be more sensitive than the guy that lived there before, but he also clearly heard your music.

1.) I thought I had to.  Made it all of 37 years without having a single person commenting on the volume of my music.  10 of those 37 years in this very house.  In all my years of living in apartments, dealing with noisy neighbors myself, being at other people's houses, I feel like I've got a somewhat decent idea of what constitutes a reasonable volume level.

2.) I don't doubt that he did, but I feel the approach was terribly rude, given the actual volume, time of night, and the way he spoke.

There's a guy a street over who sometimes leaves his dog way too long, out all hours of the day.  Winter, summer, night, day, weekdays, weekends, etc.  You can hear the dog whining to come in at 8am on a Sunday in December, or 2am on a Weds night in March.  Know how many times I've actually gone over there and complained?  Zero.

There's a few families in the neighborhood who like fireworks.  Really like them.  It's not just 4th of July or the week of.  You'll randomly hear a big bang on a random weeknight around midnight.  I've never said shit.

The guy that used to live in this guys house used to always rev up his bike before taking it out.  He'd also listen to music in his garage while he lifted weights.  Neither bothered my in the least.  Guy took care of his house and we got along fine.  As a hard working American he ought to be able to listen to the radio in his own garage if he wants.  Motorcycles are loud, but they are legal.  I never once thought he was intentionally being a jerk by simply living his life.

There's a handful of people who start their mowers or blowers earlier than others.  Sometimes it doesn't always work great with my schedule as I work late and sleep in till 9 or 10 a lot. 

But hey, that's surburban living.  When you have 50+ houses all within a quarter mile of eachother sometimes you have to let others do their own thing (within reason).

I was raised to believe that ringing a neighbors doorbell after dark is incredibly rude.  Unheard of really.  When the reason is because you could barely hear music a 10:30 at night, that went on for all of 45 minutes, that seems all the more strange.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Issue with My Neighbor (Would Like Your Opinion) - Wes Mantooth - 02-23-2016, 03:50 PM

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