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PFF believes the Bengals' roster has gotten worse.
(06-18-2015, 08:10 PM)fredtoast Wrote: In my version of reality the Steelers have had one winning season in the last three years.

"Reputation" means nothing when they play the games on the field.

For some reason all the other teams in the NFL do not realize that the Steelers can't make any mistakes because they won some Super Bowls in the past.

Let's talk in "reality" for a minute. Let's not put words in each others mouth and let's not act like people are saying stuff that they aren't.

NO ONE in Jungle Noise that isn't obviously trolling (I haven't even seen trolls say it actually) has ever said that the Steelers can't make any mistakes or that they're perfect.

However, if the same guys that won those shiny trophies n' stuff are still in charge in Pittsburgh, and the same guys that haven't won a playoff game in 25 years are still in charge in Cincinnati........which will receive more benefit of the doubt when making certain moves? I don't know, but I'll probably cut the Steelers some slack when they make a mistake here and there. They have the track record to still be considered a GREAT sports franchise even if they have a couple of 8-8 season (omg so bad, right???). Meanwhile, you keep defending every last damn move of a team that hasn't proven anything past being invited to the dance a few times.

If you want to receive the benefit of the doubt from sports fans, then you have to be a good franchise. To be a good franchise, you need some combination of Super Bowl victories, playoff wins, and consistent regular season winning. Believe it or not, the Bengals are on their way to seeing more respect than ever, but they just aren't there yet. Watch them win a couple of playoff games with this team in 2015 and the last 25 years will slowly start to drift away. There will absolutely be some people that are doom and gloom and will talk about the "quarter century of failure", but that's going to happen anywhere. Hell, I live near Pittsburgh and there are Steelers fans that act miserable even after they win a Super Bowl! It happens everywhere, so my points aren't including the extremists on either side.

The numbers in the 0-6 playoff games are so bad and it doesn't help that the team barely has looked competitive in the second half of any of the games. It's embarrassing. Making the playoffs for a few straight years is nice and everything, but being the 10th-12th best team in the league year after year after year is only going to gain you so much respect. There's a point where that plateaus and you need to get over that new hump to go to the next level. We beat the streak of being a shitty franchise and never making the playoffs, and that's awesome to see as a fan! Being in 12th place every year isn't as big of a deal as some want to make it though.

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RE: PFF believes the Bengals' roster has gotten worse. - djs7685 - 06-19-2015, 08:42 AM

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