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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-26-2016, 08:55 AM)GMDino Wrote: So a little off topic but then this IS the PnR forum...

OK.  Again....

Going to the people who run the board and pointing out that one member refuses to follow one rule over and over and over and over and over (get it?) is no where NEAR as sad as said member continuing to ***** and complain that they aren't allowed to break the rule and crying that "someone told" on them.

Grow up.  Grow a pair.  Shut up.

Even in the quote above you couldn't just use the word we were told we could use but rather left it blank.  

I'm sure in your mind you are making a "point".  But that train has long left the station.  We all know how you feel and you are more than welcome, nay ENCOURAGED to continue to give your opinions and continue the discussion.  However there ARE rules.  Not many really...but they are there.

So asking you to be just like everyone else and follow that rule isn't "crying for help".  It is holding you to the same standard as the rest of us.

I can only apologize to you as a member of the human race in the 21st century for having our understanding of people evolve and are desire to not shame people with words designed to belittle them has changed.  Because I can't imagine how small a mind or person it takes to be so hung up over ONE WORD that they cannot even bring themselves to use it at all and would rather leave it blank.

Well, unless you are just trying to "see how far they will go"....right?


Lol this is the height of pussdome.

There is so much to bold here and laugh at its insane. I will give you the chance to delete this post and save some face. I will then do you a favor and not mock it relentlessly. Hilarious

Волков бояться ... дров не иметь. Ninja

Messages In This Thread
RE: Man using strips in front of girls - StLucieBengal - 02-26-2016, 09:55 AM

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