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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-26-2016, 11:45 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm confused. Are you saying folks in this forum went to your Facebook page and Linkedin from information they got from this forum?

Yes.  When Fred posted his name.  I responded originally with my real name.

Then I thought of a better joke, one that would have been me repeating "I'm Batman" based off of the on going meme.  However, Fred had already seen my name and did a google search, so he asked me "Why I edited my post".

Even after explaining what I had intended which came as an afterthought.  Fred still just kept going on about me being scared.  So I asked him "Scared of what?"

To which he replied that "I am loser that is currently unemployed and that I have twitter connections to white supremacist."

I told him that I am currently working 2 jobs at the moment.

To which he replied "Your FB doesn't have any employment listed and your LinkedIn profile says you are looking for work"

So he asked where I worked.

I told him S. Tryon Square and CHS.

He asked Rent-a-Cop?

To which I have admitted to being called that.  I then went on to explain that the information he found isn't accurate and that there were flaws in his thinking. 

Doesn't seem to matter to those whose stances and beliefs are weak though.  To them, I am just Steve Blart.  Which is fine, I get a laugh out of it, since to many posters that behavior is considered childish. 

If I was really worried about my information getting out there, I wouldn't have originally posted my name. 

I did PM Fred though and told him that his post is actually against the CoC, and advised that he remove it incase someone wanted to report it to the Mods.  I told him I don't want anyone banned and that we should just ignore each other for at least a couple of days. 

He hasn't replied to the PM, and I don't think he has responded to any of my post directly.  I have done the same, out of respect for this truce that I assume we are under.  Trying to self police (rent-a-cop) if you will.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Man using strips in front of girls - Sovereign Nation - 02-27-2016, 01:44 AM

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