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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-27-2016, 04:58 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:  I think I have lumped all of one person in that category around here.  

If someone you followed on twitter wrote, "I'm a white supremacist" wouldn't be able to tell unless you know them personally?  That's pretty ***** stupid.  Even for you.

No one is writing that though.  Some do so in a mocking, condescending way. 

As to you lumping "all of one person in that category",  gee I wonder who that person could be.  Are there a lot of posters on here that have questioned the validity of the claims regarding racial profiling?  Anyone on here vocal about white interest?  Anyone else on here call white privilege a myth?

I didn't see a lot of post concerning the racism that whites face.  As a matter of fact the 1st thread I posted on these issues had an article from a white woman talking about white privilege.  In fact, I posted my take, which was very mild mannered and then Fred responded in typical Fred fashion, which is to say, very abrasive and rude. 

Then in further typical fashion, after being told how he made a leap in his logic, he ignored most of my response and focused in on only one question of it, and tried to control the parameters of the debate. 

When I didn't allow him to do so, it became, Strawman... Strawman... Strawman... with continued sly jabs and attacks. 

That isn't to say that I didn't throw my own counter jabs and attacks, because I did.  However the hostility was directed at me from the very beginning for daring to question the narrative that liberals have been trying to force everyone to march to.

Feel free to see how it all started:

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RE: Man using strips in front of girls - Sovereign Nation - 02-27-2016, 05:43 AM

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