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Legitimate Arguments Against the 2nd Amendment
(02-27-2016, 06:05 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: That's shocking because half the time you people seem to think you're ***** mind readers like Miss Cleo.

Unnecessary attacks like calling others a white supremacist racial epithet repeatedly?

Let's compare and contrast.  He is a high school drop out with a GED.  I was in the honors program at college and have a professional degree.  After 8 years in the Army he had clawed his way to SGT as a clerk in a JAG unit.  It took me half that time to exceed his highest level of responsibility and authority as an infantryman in the Ranger Regiment and RTB.  After 8 years in the Army I was hand picked to be a platoon sergeant of an infantry scout sniper platoon over senior NCOs and later graduated OCS.  Currently, my salary places me in the top 10% for my profession and within the top 10% of household incomes in the US.  Not individuals, households.  I work three days a week, see my family every day, and don't deploy overseas to places that smell like burnt shit or worse.  

So how would you define loser?

What do you mean "you people"? 

You are clueless, that epithet isn't racial, it is attributed to many different races.  It is used by men to call out wannabe men for being weak and scared.  Calling me a racist and white supremacist doesn't give you any moral high ground Breech.

Let's compare:  Breech thinks he is special because he is comparing an apples to oranges situation.  I have had a lot of obstacle in my way, which is why I don't appreciate or acknowledge any of this White privilege that you have had the benefit of.  You see privilege is not a race thing.  That is why white privilege is insulting.

You are privilege spoiled wannabe superstar.  You have had everything handed to you, so you think everything is just handed to everyone.  Except for other races.  They have had to work hard to get where they are going.  A rich kid like yourself, thinks every white kid must be rich.

A super- special forces- ranger -seal- delta -sniper- paratrooper -airborne- highly motivated Doctor like yourself, that probably had the benefit of not going through a public school system that wanted to integrate all the schools.  You may have went to an all white or predominantly white school, while I went to a predominantly black school.  Remember minority is subjective.  I keep hearing how I am a majority in this country.  However, from grade school  on - even military- and now, I am always the minority. 

As to your military claims - I don't see many PCSes and that is a big red flag in the claims that you are making.  Even super- special forces- ranger -seal- delta -sniper- paratrooper -airborne- highly motivated Wingnuts are subject to PCSes. 

Also you are neglecting a little thing called promotion points-  Yep, for me I had to get 798 out of 800 to get promoted.  The points dropped to 674.  I had 710.  You say you were in the Infantry?  Well then you know that the promotion points for the infantry is 300, which is minimum requirement for promotion to E-5.  You would also know that the majority of infantry get injured and have to medically discharge or change MOS after about 6-8 years.  You would know that my MOS was the go to reclass MOS.  Meaning that there was a huge bottleneck for guys like me to get promoted.  The sad part was, most of the infantry NCOs where clueless and had to be walked around like children when it came to doing the job. 

Of course you would know all of this and I am not telling you anything new.

So I just want to hear how great you were during WW1 and what it was like being such a Hero.  Please regale us with your awesomeness.

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RE: Legitimate Arguments Against the 2nd Amendment - Sovereign Nation - 02-27-2016, 07:19 PM

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