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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-27-2016, 08:39 PM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: If I starve a child to death, or don't help them get treated for an illness, and they die as a result, isn't it still murder? Sure, not every concentration camp had gas chambers and ovens, but people were simply starved to death. There were witness accounts that Anne Frank had symptoms of typhus, but nothing proven. I could be wrong, but her death is still a mystery. Either way, we have to look at why some countries ban denying or believing in the Holocaust. However, I don't think it is to help the Jewish people cover up something or any other anti Semitic BS the scum Nazi supporters drum up.

Well, was there a food shortage in the area?  That would account for starvation.  As I have pointed out, Germany was under constant bombardment.  Not so easy getting supplies. 

As far as withholding treatments for illness, there are reports, in German, that German military doctors did assist and try to save many people that were ill.

Zyklon B - the chemical that was used in the gas chamber was also used as a disinfectant.  One of the guys that have questioned the Holocaust a Jewish guy, David Cole, found residue of this chemical in the infirmary.  However he couldn't find any evidence of it's use in the gas chamber.

What he postulates is that the chemical was used on clothing in the hospital to kill the typhoid virus spreading through the region and not actually on the people. 

Like I said, you either just accept the information you are given or you don't.  Some accept, others do not.

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RE: Man using strips in front of girls - Sovereign Nation - 02-27-2016, 08:49 PM

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