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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-27-2016, 07:56 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: No worries.

I want to clarify my stance before I begin.

I do believe the Holocaust took place.  I do believe the Jews persecuted.  I do believe we were right in stopping Hitler.


Major red flag for me, is we are only allowed 1 side of the story.  When something is made illegal, that automatically attracts interest in certain people.  So when you can go to jail for asking why the doors to the gas chambers in Auschwitz open inward and not outward, that is pretty fishy to me. 

Now to your quote - some would say Hitler being a National Socialist (which I abhor socialism btw) was only concerned with removing the Jews from Europe, especially from Germany.  He was also talking about removing Jewish influence in German politics.  Notice he only talks about Munich and Germany.  He didn't say that he was going to go into Israel and exterminate them there.  He said until they were out of Germany.  You see, nationalist have this notion of boarders to separate the nations.  So to them, the Jews shouldn't be in Germany and they shouldn't be interfering with German policies.  There was a huge call for immigrants to come into Germany (mainly from Muslim countries) and the Germany that the Germans once knew was fading.  So the response was to remove non-Germans from Germany.

Now most who question the validity of the claims will state that they believe the Jews were killed, however Typhoid Fever was also running rampant at the time and so the question they have is, How many of the 6 million died from Typhoid Fever as opposed to the dreaded gas chambers?  Anne Frank is often considered a victim of the Holocaust, which would make most people assume that she died in a gas chamber or in some other horrendous fashion.

She died from Typhoid Fever.  She was in a concentration camp when she died, but the cause was not as nefarious as some people think.

Now you might say that it was the extreme living conditions.  Well Germany was waging a war.  So these conditions were to be expected. 

You might say, there shouldn't have been camps to begin with.  We had similar camps here in America for the Japanese, after the attack on Pearl Harbor.  A difference, and it is a huge one, is that America wasn't being bombed on a regular basis as Germany was.

So again.  It isn't necessarily that people don't believe in the Holocaust or the persecution of the Jews.  All they want is to be able to freely research it.  Again the Bolsheviks were in an alliance with the Jewish Bund.  A lot of our reports that we received, were from them, and no one seems to be allowed to question those reports. 

The simple solution (and not a final one) is to decide for yourself, if you believe everything is genuine then fine, accept it.  There is nothing wrong with it and you have lost nothing.  If you believe that something is hidden and that something is being covered up, then all you can do is question and keep researching for more clues.  If there is nothing then you will find nothing.

BTW:  There is evidence that White Genocide is taking place right now.  We have people that believe in it and we also have people (which I am sure most on this board will agree) that it is a myth and not real.  So people turning a blind eye to genocide is nothing new.

Hitler didn't have to mention Israel or other countries. His allies did it for him. Following the Second Aliyah Jews were traveling throughout Europe heading back to Palestine. Germany had less than 1 million Jews, but accounted for killing 6 million. He had help. Italy, for example, had already passed laws prohibiting rights for Jews.

Hitler's policies only worked as long as Germany was in a constant state of war. He needed to remove peoples rights. War allowed that. He needed to seize individual property in the name of public good. War allowed that. He needed to lessen political opposition, so he did away with worker unions and seized their holdings. War allowed that.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Man using strips in front of girls - Benton - 02-27-2016, 11:56 PM

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