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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-28-2016, 02:24 AM)Benton Wrote: I'm not really following. Jews had been in Europe for centuries at that point, citizens of every (almost every?) European country at the start of the first world war. They weren't demanding rights, they were rights they already had. And rights that were taken away when a few realized how much they stood to gain by doing so.

It isn't necessarily Jews.

It is anyone who is not originally a part of the nation.  Or even if they live in the nation still hold allegiances to their homeland.  Jews fit this a bit more than others.  La Raza is another example.

You could have a Hispanic kid whose parents were born in the US.  The grandparents LEGALLY migrated to the US.  However the kid still doesn't accept the US as his country and sets himself as separate from the rest of the country.

Jews are very similar in their behavior.  While they may move into and live in another country, they are pretty tribal and will only do business with other Jews.  You see this with Muslims as well as the many Asian communities in our country.

 So let us take Muslims for instance: If you get one or two families that move to an area, then they will live their and stay quiet and practice their beliefs as innocuous as possible.  However, as more families move in, then a No Go zone is created in which the community that was originally there is replaced by the beliefs practiced by Muslims.  Check out Lutton as an example of this. 

So to me a person or family leaving one country to live in another is fine, provided it is done legally, as long as they don't try to replace the current culture or belief system or laws.  If they are unhappy with the host countries culture, belief system or laws then they should either look for another country or return to their homeland.  I mean, take the refugees that are pouring into Europe, they are fleeing Syria and then complaining that Europe isn't like Syria. 

When European women are attacked by the refugees for being immoral in their own country then we have a problem.

So the concept that I was referring to is not necessarily directed at Jews, but outsiders moving into a country in general. 

With the Jews, I don't think it was that they did anything violent, however they did create networks that were only available to other Jews to utilize and they also push for diversity in other countries, while insisting that Israel remain closed.

I don't know how true, but Seth Rogan is credited in saying that he is Jewish and he supports open boarders and that he thinks Israel should be open to immigrants and refugees, but Hollywood won't let him express that belief on screen.

If that is true, I have more respect for Seth Rogan than George Soros - who supports open boarders in the US and Europe, but doesn't support any calls for open boarders for Israel.

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RE: Man using strips in front of girls - Sovereign Nation - 02-28-2016, 03:09 AM

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