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Legitimate Arguments Against the 2nd Amendment
(02-28-2016, 04:12 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Your inability to understand anything is quite funny.  How many times does a person have to say that anti-immigration isn't the same as 0 immigration?  No I don't like illegal immigrants.  I also am of a mind that we should be more selective in our immigration process.  Once again you failed.  

Look, idiot, you were originally referring to legal immigrants and then accused me of referring to illegal immigrants.  Once again, you're a liar.  I was referring to the same immigrants as you did in your example.  If you weren't referring to illegal immigrants then neither was I.  If you were referring to illegal immigrants then why don't you ask yourself why you're okay with illegal immigrants instead of me.  But, you're too much of an idiot and a liar to understand.

Quote:So do you think Matt is dumb for wanting to immigrate to Germany?  Hey, Belsnickle what do you think about that?  I am a dumb **** that wants to immigrate to Hungary so you must be dumb as well.

You're inability to understand anything is quite funny.  One, there is no reason to drag Matt into this.  Two, you're the idiot who is too stupid to understand the irony of telling me I should immigrate overseas because I hate America while simultaneously telling others you're considering immigrating overseas because you hate America.  Not Matt, you.  You're all about freedom and you don't want to tell anyone what to do, but you just don't want anyone exercising their freedom in your state.  You abhor socialism, but you're part of a collective.  You don't like rules, but people in your collective need to follow the rules or leave.  Unlike other people you don't need rules, but you need rules in your little social collective.  You're a walking, talking contradiction.  If it wasn't so ***** funny it would be pathetic.

Quote:Your hatred of Americans is very discomforting.

That is another lie. I don't hate Americans because you want to immigrate to Hungary, dumbass.

Quote:I would love to stay in America, however America hasn't been the country that I was looking forward to living in.

Then "opt out" or whatever stupid bullshit you wrote earlier

Quote: Wrote:If we did what you wanted to do,

What do I want to do? What anti-white fantasy have you fabricated in your mind 

Quote: Wrote:then I wouldn't be living in America anyway even if I stayed put.  Do you think that La Raza would side with you?  Or do you think you would do well in Sharia court?  Actually it would be your wife or daughter or granddaughters that would probably be in Sharia court for tempting men with their knees.

What the **** are you rambling about?

Quote:Sure, why stop?  What is the demographics of Ripley during the time you went to high school?  There were a total of 3 white males in my HS class.  A total of 20 White students.  Again your egocentric viewpoints seems to suggest that just because this was what you experience all white kids must have had the same opportunities.

What egocentric view points?  I wrote some claims of racial profiling are false.  You wrote every black person who claims racial profiling is only doing it for secondary gain.  Which means that every black person who claims racial profiling is a liar.

You don't even know what egocentric means.

Quote:Now you went through all of this while you were in the Military?  Hmmmm... 

Do you think I went through high school while I was in the military?  Are you that stupid?  Yes, you're that stupid.

Quote:Yep.  I am a quitter.

Yes, you are.

Quote:I only just a GED,

I can tell you "only just a GED."

Quote:joined the Army, moved away, worked as contractor a few years after exiting the service, paid off my debt (debt free baby), and I am continuing to work to provide for my family.  I have other things in play, but you don't need to know about them.

Whether it is school, the Army, or your career; you get out of it what you put into it.

Quote:Seriously? Sure my 1st 2 choices were unavailable to me, funny how those happen to be the choices that you chose?  You stated that experiences only after learning about my disability.  Hmmmm...[

Well, blame your parents for oppressing you, too.

Quote: Wrote:LoL at the PAC clerk, as if calling me what I am is somehow an insult?  How old are you again? 

I never claimed calling you a PAC clerk was an insult. You did. Why do you think calling you a PAC clerk is an insult?

Quote: Wrote:So you were able to be all this military hero while going through all of that college?  I mean, sure online courses and everything, so maybe, not impossible but very unlikely.

You asked when. I told you when. I gave you a 30 year window starting when I was in high school, but not a time line. You're an autodidact. Figure it out. 

Quote: Wrote:It was either you or VD, that said something about customers to Bfine... I will see if I can find it.

Yeah you were saying something about patients, got mad at BFine for referring to your patients as customers.  

Ironically enough, you both were also discussing how polite you are.

Where did I claim to be a doctor? No where. Dumbass. So where did you "hear" I was a doctor? I didn't get mad at bfine, I explained I thought it was demeaning to the patient to think of them as only a business transaction. Obviously, neither of you two are capable of understanding.

Quote: Wrote:Maybe.  That though is my decision.

Bye, Felicia.

Quote: Wrote:It is funny... you can't resist the personal attacks can you?  Look, I am not going to report you.  However, there are other people that may decide to report you. 

Check out what Cincy's Dropout wrote . . .

(02-22-2016, 05:49 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote:  I say, be a man, call me an idiot.  I promise you that I won't take offense to it.  

I'm making your dream come true by giving you exactly what you asked for so stop being a little ***** about it.

Quote: Wrote:I don't want to see anyone banned, especially over me.  I will offer you the same truce that I offered to Fred, feel free to put me on ignore so that you can step back and take a break for a few days. OK. 

Why the **** would I need a truce?

Quote: Wrote:Once you have gathered yourself, if you want to continue discussion with me then please do so.  Just try to stay on topic and don't get so caught up in my personal details.  Debate my arguments and points, not me. 

I'm debating your argument. You're anti-immigration. You stated you don't want Manny the Gardener, but you would be happy with Manuel the Physicist. You're Manny the Gardener, dude. So why would Hungary want you? You didn't complete high school and you're certainly not a college graduate like Manuel the Physicist. You were a PAC clerk meaning you were basically a secretary familiar with Army administration. Hungary has zero need for a US Army secretary. You're a security guard. It's not hard to find a security guard. If you're an anti-immigration Hungarian immigration agent reviewing your immigration packet, why would they approve it? Why?

Quote: Wrote:I will try to cut back on my jabs at you and see if we can have a better back and forth.

Please don't because I enjoy the laughs. Like when a PAC clerk asked me what I did in the military besides hide behind men. I got a good laugh.

Quote: Wrote:If you don't wish to relax a bit.  Then the consequences are all on you.

You mean I'm personally responsible for my own actions? No, shit, Sherlock. That's why you weren't promoted past SGT in 8 years. Not because of a huge bottle neck of reclassied broke dick grunts in your CMF.

Quote: Wrote:I know that I am going to refrain from talking to you for a few days at least. Any time the topic starts to derail, 

Sovereign Nation Wrote: Wrote:Let the threads evolve into other topics

a walking, talking contradiction[

Quote: Wrote:and it starts getting personal I will back off.

Does that mean you're going to stop calling others *****? You're going to stop telling me I hate Americans and white people and all the other crazy, batshit lies you wrote? You're going to back off from that stuff? Way to be the bigger hypocrite.

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RE: Legitimate Arguments Against the 2nd Amendment - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 02-29-2016, 04:17 AM

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