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Burfict: I'm Being Singled Out, I'll Have To Change
(03-01-2016, 04:31 PM)jj22 Wrote: No I want to blame Brown for not sticking up for the team when they were under heavy attack. But it's too late now. Poor PR, poor crisis management. But we are the joke of the league still for a reason.  The narrative is lost and the team is back to being full of criminals and players drafted with bad character (even though Burfict wasn't even drafted, and we never drafted Jones). The Bengals were under national attack. The brand was under fire and being set back to 2006. Brown did nothing. But we know not much embarrasses Brown, so that's not shocking. But it is worth noting and comparing to other Owners who have come out firing when their team is under national scrutiny.

Nobody is giving him the benefit of the doubt anymore?
I just watched Duke and Guenther give a spirited defense of him at the combine. I read how Marvin was traveling to NY with him to try to fight an appeal process that took record time, along with the actual suspension that took record time. They can't do it all tho.
Pay attention to the comments to get an idea of how the team has lost the narrative of what happened in the wildcard game. Rarely do media outlets etc mention the Steelers tactics anymore. Just slam Burfict and Jones.

I'm not debating that the narrative the game is out of whack because it is. I don't think there is anything Mike could've done to prevent this though. If the story was flipped and Jeremy Hill didn't fumble then the Bengals had won the narrative would've been similar for the Steelers. Everything is scrutinized harder in a game like that. It was chippy and ugly. The Bengals were the last team to do it that game so football fans took it and ran. It didn't help that both Burfict and Jones had well established reputations before they ever put on a Bengals uni. They both were already on thin ice.

If you read the comment section of PFT it's all a bunch of butt hurt football fans who have an agenda. You can look at all of the Bengals articles and find Steelers trolls unfairly bashing them to get under people's skin. It works both ways too. Anybody being unbiased knows both teams were in the wrong that game. I don't blame Mike for not making a statement calling out the NFL. It would've just added more fuel to the fire because the narrative was written once the game was over. He would've just been pegged as a dirty owner.

I meant to the rest of the football world when I posted nobody is going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Not people that work with him and know him personally. Because that's the perspective that surrounds him to everyone else.

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RE: Burfict: I'm Being Singled Out, I'll Have To Change - CageTheBengal - 03-01-2016, 05:14 PM

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