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Tipping Point for Migrant Relations in Norway ?
(03-03-2016, 08:54 AM)GMDino Wrote: How can they be the most persecuted race / group of people in the history of the world and white men be too?

However did I argue that Jews are not "white"?  I don't think I did.  You put forth the concept that "the Jews" run this country...not white men.  

When shown (repeatedly) that "the Jews" have virtually no power in government this discussion turned to whether they are white or not.

Which has nothing to do with white men running this country and white men NOT being the most marginalized group int he US who, gosh darn it, people mock and just won't listen to!

[Image: glen-beck-think-of-the-white-people.jpg?w=320]

Oh, so you think that the only way to be in power in this country is to be in the government?


That is very naive to think that.  Isn't one of the main issues in our government is the amount of money that it collects from big businesses?

Don't forget the media, not just the news, but Hollywood as well.

Steven Speilberg
Jonah Hill
Seth Rogan
Seth McFarland
Mel Brooks
Adam Sandler
Sarah Silverman

I could go on but this should get the point across.

How about Michael Bloomberg (he was mentioned before)
Diane Fienstein
Bernie Sanders

Again.... I could go on but...

All of those are Jewish people that have influence.  Some more than others, and some more political, others in less obvious ways.

However they are all considered "white".  I even remember people thinking Mark Zuckerberg is white, even though he is Jewish.

So no, you don't have to be President or even run for Presidential office to have "control" in this country. 

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RE: Tipping Point for Migrant Relations in Norway ? - Sovereign Nation - 03-03-2016, 09:57 AM

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