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Watched only the last hour of the debate
(03-04-2016, 02:38 AM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I think this is the state of the people being so petty, boorish and childish themselves.

Ding ding ding!  Trump's boorish behavior has been steamrolling the rest of the field, so recently Cruz and Rubio have decided to play his game out of desperation.  Kasich is still trying to fight the good fight, but he will always lack the charisma to be POTUS.

The end-game now is to force a brokered convention where Trump probably will not get the nomination.  We could see a Rubio/Kasich ticket come out of that (which is what more than a few people have hoped for from the beginning)....OR the idea is being floated that Romney could make another go of it.

Ohio is actually shaping up to be the last line of defense against a Trump nomination.  Rubio and Kasich are going to need to decide which of them can stop Trump there, because if they split their votes it won't happen.  

I think Rubio will be forced to drop out when he gets embarrassed in Florida.

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RE: Watched only the last hour of the debate - JustWinBaby - 03-04-2016, 06:15 PM

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