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Trump Tower Funded by Rich Chinese Who Invest Cash for Visas
Trump doesn't own most of the 'Trump' products he bragged about this week

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Quote:So last week Mitt Romney mocked Donald Trump as a failed businessman, rattling off a string of Trump-branded ventures you may or may not remember:

"And whatever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University?,” Romney said. “And then there’s Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he is not.”

At his press conference Tuesday night, Trump stood next to a table laden with Trump goods including raw steaks, wine and bottled water. After winning two states' primaries that night, the businessman launched into a defense of his many eponymous products.

"I have very successful companies,” Trump said from inside the Trump National Golf Club inJupiter, Fla.

Except, as NPR found, Trump doesn’t own most of the products he flaunted Tuesday night. And some haven’t been available for years.
The Trump steaks presented at the event, which the candidate said cost “about, what, 50 bucks a steak,” were not actually a Trump brand but instead looked to come from a company called “Bush Brothers” (heh heh).

In fact, Sharper Image, through which Trump steaks were sold, lists them as “no longer available.”

A similar scenario seemed to repeat itself with other products Trump flaunted that night, NPR noted:
  • Trump Wine, which Trump claimed he owned “100%, no mortgage, no debt” claims on its website that it’s “not owned, managed or affiliated with Donald J. Trump” but is instead registered to Trump’s son, Eric.
  • Trump Magazine, which Trump recalled reading earlier this week, went out of circulationin 2009.
  • Labels on Trump Water, “a private little water company,” per Trump, say they’re bottled by Village Springs Corporation out of Connecticut.
  • The candidate admitted he no longer owned a Trump Airline, which he said he sold in “a phenomenal deal.” According to NBC News, it defaulted after too much debt and was bought by USAir.
"So I wanted to put that to rest: So you have the water, you have the steaks, you have the airline that I sold. I mean, what's wrong with selling?" he said.

Learn more about Trump's branded products at NPR.
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: Trump Tower Funded by Rich Chinese Who Invest Cash for Visas - GMDino - 03-09-2016, 06:45 PM

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