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Oregon man smashes Buddhist monk’s head into a car while screaming about Muslims
I haven't kept up on this one, but are we still arguing whether or not Muslims are to blame for this guy being attacked? Muslims are so hated that if you are attacked because someone assumes you are a Muslim that it is THEIR fault, not so much the guy attacking you? Or it is a combination?

If a black guy attacks some dude in a NASCAR hat and says "Well, he might have been in the KKK because NASCAR hat" do we say Hmm....yea, the KKK is pretty awful so I can see why people who wear NASCAR hats are either asking for it, or should be mad at the KKK for making THEM into targets.

Meh, anyways.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Oregon man smashes Buddhist monk’s head into a car while screaming about Muslims - Nately120 - 03-14-2016, 02:34 PM

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