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Germany Elections: Moving to the Far Right?
(03-15-2016, 09:10 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: The problem with this is that the CDU/CSU is a center-right party. So while some Germans are shifting to the right, a lot are shifting to the left as well. Also, and this is a part of the culture that some people don't know, is that nationalism in Germany is a big social no-no these days. What we would call patriotism would get you some awkward looks from your fellow Germans. This creates a different atmosphere than in other European countries and makes it hard to compare to, say France. French people will tell you they are proud to be French. You will not get the same response from Germans for the most part. So, with the AfD playing that nationalist card it will hurt them unless we see a culture shift in the German people as a whole, which I think would be very difficult.

The immigration debate is changing the culture. I can go back to any story involving Germany and migrants as example of how people are just getting worn down and want these people out and borders secured. These stories happening don't change the needle but the amount of news stories coming out all over is just crazy. These migrant centers are like the Wild West.

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RE: Germany Elections: Moving to the Far Right? - StLucieBengal - 03-15-2016, 09:17 AM

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