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KY Bill allowing Bible literacy classes in public schools
(03-15-2016, 02:58 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I assumed this thread was for serious discussion of the philosophical and religious influences on the Constitution.

Apparently I was wrong. I guess this is why Matt checked out.

Pretty sure it was to discuss using the bible as a teaching tool in schools.

But as to the current discussion I offer this:

Quote:Some claim that the Declaration is not really a founding document since it was not designed to establish a new nation but only to establish a legal argument of separation from British rule. But the Constitution does not see it this way. In the same sentence that references 'in the Year of Our Lord,' we find 'and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth.' 'The Twelfth' is a reference to the Declaration of Independence which was written twelve years earlier and uses non-neutral religious terms like 'endowed by their Creator,' 'the laws of nature and of nature's God,' 'with a firm reliance on DIVINE PROVIDENCE', and 'the Supreme Judge of the world.' While these are not specifically Christian phrases, they certainly aren't religiously neutral."

As to why matt ask, you'll have to ask him, as I have found this thread to be refreshingly free of personal insults. Given there are a few, but they are cleverly veiled and not of the overt variety
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RE: KY Bill allowing Bible literacy classes in public schools - bfine32 - 03-15-2016, 03:08 PM

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