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False Accusations of a Hate Crime
(03-20-2016, 08:50 PM)fredtoast Wrote: It is bullshit like this that makes political discussions so difficult around here.  These are just strawmen arguments.  I am as liberal as anyone here and I know lots of other people on the left.  neither one of those comments is true at all.

There is no liberal I know who ever said we should not "check out" immigrants form Syria.  That is a lie from the right wing echo chamber.  The fact is that the UNited States "checks out" every single immigrant we allow into this country, and no liberal objects to this.  It is sad that so many people on the right do not even know this fact.

And the "RACISM" claim is even more specious.  The proof in this is that liberals know that there are many illegals here that are white.  Only people in the right-wing echo chamber believe that every single illegal immigrant here is of a different race.

What did Donald Trump say? That he wants a ban on all Muslim immigrants until we can figure out what's going on or something like that and everyone is calling him a racist. What I find funny is that you and everyone will say that it's a racist quote but it's not. Talk about the "Echo Chamber", lol.

As for "White people" here illegally, you think that because they are white I think they should be allowed to stay? Not on your life, they are here illegally and need to go to the back of the line. Again, another "Echo Chamber" talking point from you.

Wait, now you are going to say I'm repeating what I heard in the "Echo Chamber" and I'm a "Racist Islamaphobe" right? Lol.

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RE: False Accusations of a Hate Crime - Nebuchadnezzar - 03-20-2016, 09:07 PM

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