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Sikh U.S. Army captain allowed to wear beard, turban in uniform
(04-04-2016, 11:20 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I've never heard a priest say one political thing in Church.  And I don't know what you mean "same argument".  Each church has it's own exemption. 

Give me an example of these dioceses flush with profits.  We have 40,000 kids in Catholic School alone in the Cincinnati dioceses.  What do you think the cost of buildings and teachers for them would be?

Dump all the Catholic school kids in the public system  and collect your property tax and see how that works out.

Never?  Ever? found a four leaf clover at the end of a rainbow over a unicorn.

I've had priests telling the congregation which party to vote for if they were "true" Christians.  And that's mild.

All I can tell you is our Dioceses makes the local parishes borrow money from them, and pay it back with interest, to do repairs and improvements.  Even if the parish is in the black.  I sat on the church board when it happened.  Part of the reason I do not sit on the church board anymore.

And this is in one of the poorest areas of SW PA.

I also sit on the school board for our local catholic elementary school.  They clear a profit every year.  It is not huge, but it is a profit.  It would be slightly bigger but the dioceses bills them for "services" that it provides.

That's what it is listed as "services".  

Here is their report.  Please not they do not call it a "profit".

Quote:For the fourth consecutive year, the diocese has recognized a surplus in the change in unrestricted net assets resulting in an increase of the unrestricted net assets by approximately $1.5 million. As of June 30, 2014, the unrestricted net asset balance for the Pastoral Center was $3,319,202, which is a reasonable amount for a not-for-profit entity with revenues in excess of $10 million. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, the diocese realized a surplus in the change in unrestricted net assets of $379,539 as well as a surplus in the change in temporarily restricted net assets of $165,603. This was mainly attributed to realized and unrealized gains on investments of approximately $300,000,

and also being under budget in expenses in most offices of the Pastoral Center.


Total assets continued to decrease over the past three years, which is attributed to the decrease in the “Today’s Challenge ~ Tomorrow’s Hope” pledge receivable. As of June 30, 2014, the diocese has collected more than $43 million of the total pledges made to the campaign, and it has distributed $16 million back to parishes, $4 million to Catholic schools, and disbursed $20 million to the campaign case elements. One of the case elements directed funds to the Priest Pension Fund, which is fully funded as of June 30, 2014, and results in a savings to parishes as a decrease in the priest pension expense.

One of their big schemes is they have a special pledge drive and if your parish can reach the goal set by the diocese then the church gets to keep the amount collected over and above the goal.


As to Catholic school I must be missing your point as we had out two in them while we were also paying school taxes.  Not that I complained, but what difference would it make if more kids went to public school when politicians are already salivating to cut funds and close schools?
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RE: Sikh U.S. Army captain allowed to wear beard, turban in uniform - GMDino - 04-04-2016, 11:37 AM

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