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Sikh U.S. Army captain allowed to wear beard, turban in uniform

Q. The Army has argued that letting soldiers be different could undermine discipline and safety standards. You are a captain in an engineering battalion; do you understand their concerns?

A. Based on my experiences, I don’t understand the good order and morale concerns. The response from my unit has been overwhelmingly positive. My fellow soldiers, my command, people I studied with at West Point, they have told me they support what I am doing. I have never had a single negative comment. The people I work with, they just treat me like a regular soldier, which is what I want. In the Army, people care how good you are at your job. Are you a leader? Do you work hard? Then having a turban and a beard doesn’t change anything.

As for safety, I was able to put on a helmet and go qualify at a shooting range with the rest of my unit, no problem. I was able to go through the gas chamber with my unit, too. I don’t see safety concerns.

Q. The Army says it will continue to assess whether your beard and turban are disruptive or unsafe, and if so, it will revoke your religious accommodation. What will this mean for you going forward?

A. Ideally it shouldn’t mean anything. I should just be doing my job to the best of my ability and meeting Army performance standards. If that is the case, nothing should change.

So does everyone feel better now?  All the concerns about lack of discipline or any other effect on the rest of the soldiers has been addressed.  Instead of relying on make-believe problems the Army has agreed to give him the exemption, but retains the right to revoke it if it causes any problems.  Seems like a pretty logical way to handle it.

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RE: Sikh U.S. Army captain allowed to wear beard, turban in uniform - fredtoast - 04-05-2016, 05:58 PM

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