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Meanwhile, in stupid human news...
We've all heard the story about the woman sitting on top of her home as flood waters were creeping up threatening her. A man in a small rowboat rows up and tells the woman, "Come on, let me get you to safety." and the woman says, "No, God will protect me". About 15 minutes later, a man in a fishing boat comes up and says to the woman, "Come on, let me get you to safety" and the woman says, "No, God will save me." After about an hour, as the water is now up to her ankles, Water Rescue comes by and tries to remove her from off the roof top. The woman fights and yells, "Stop, leave me alone. GOD WILL SAVE ME!"

Well, needless to say, the woman died and goes to Heaven. As she enters in to eternity, she yells to God, "LORD, why did I die, why didn't you save me?" and the LORD answers, "I sent you three boats, why didn't you get in them?"

Just like these parents who refuse medical treatment for there children hoping God will heal them even after God gave man the ability to heal, is just stupid.

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RE: Meanwhile, in stupid human news... - Nebuchadnezzar - 04-18-2016, 08:23 PM

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