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The CIA Waterboarded the Wrong Man 83 Times in 1 Month
(04-26-2016, 10:05 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Germans are too orderly to be hippies. Ninja


Quote:Bohemian Groves: the 19th century roots of the Hippie movement

The world’s first self-conscious “youth” movement sprang up in response to, and as a rejection of, urban life and the cold, impersonal mechanics of modernity. It’s members wanted to reunite themselves with nature. They went vegetarian, sometimes favored nudism, hiked and even camped out in the wilderness, creating alternative societies to the mainstream. It was a romantic, spiritual movement. Many saw themselves as pagans, worshipping the sun, conceived of as an ancient Teutonic deity. The young men grew their hair long, sang songs and played guitars around campfires. But this movement did not emerge in 1960s California, but the proceeding century, during the 1890s, in Germany.

[Image: fidus_portraits.jpg]

Original Hippies: Maximillian Sikinger (left) and advocate of nudism Karl Wilhem Diefenbach and Fidus, 1887 (right).

Known as Bohemians, as members of the Wandervogel (Wandering Birds) or Lebensreform (Life Reform) movement, these spiritual radicals engendered a proto-Hippie worldview and style that was transferred to the USA, and developed there, by German immigrants between the 1890s and the beginning of the First World War. In their new homelands they began to make converts of the locals. Professor Arnold Ehret, who arrived in California in 1914, promoted raw food diets, fasting, and nude sun bathing. He also believed that men should let their hair, and their beard, grow long. Ehret’s Rational Fasting (1914) and Mucus-less Diet (1922) gained wide acceptance during the 1960s, in the Hippie circles of San Francisco and Los Angeles.
[Image: fidus_front.jpg]
Maximillian Sikinger arrived in the USA somewhat later, in 1935, at the age of 22. He settled in California, inspiring many of the young Americans around him to become “Nature Boys.” One of those who did so was Gypsy Boots. He was born to Russian-Jewish parents in San Francisco, in 1916. He met Sikinger in 1935, and began experimenting, under the German émigré’s tutelage, with natural diets, fasting, and Yoga. He opened his Health Hut in Hollywood in 1958, and quickly gained a reputation as a health instructor, appearing more than two dozen times on the Steve Allen show during the 1960s.

Another influence from the German Bohemians was art, especially the work of Hugo Höppener (1868-1948), who used the pseudonym Fidus. Depicting nude figures among the natural landscape, not sexualized, but in harmony with nature and working in cooperation with each other, Fidus gained wide recognition during his day, and inspired the psychedelic art style of the 1960s. Several of his works show a male-female couple embracing, not out of lust, but in a kind of Tantric reaching for Deity

[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: The CIA Waterboarded the Wrong Man 83 Times in 1 Month - GMDino - 04-26-2016, 10:17 PM

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