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PnR utterly meaningless (mad ramblings)
Politics & Religion... All is vain & meaningless

1st off before I dive into this post I want to make one thing clear. This post is 100% true & straight from my heart. Most of my posts are truly nonsense and bull crap for the sake of bull crap. Not this. This is straight from the heart and it comes from things that weigh deeply on me that I have wanted to get off my chest but I don't really know how. I suppose a PnR forum would be a good place to start.

So yeah, politics. Governing the people. For the people. By the people. What's the point? What's the goal or the end game. The betterment of society? In theory yes. However it's not. Those who sit in office could care less about the streets of Cincinnati or dayton. Or the streets of any city.

My occupation is drug dealer. I sell drugs for a living. I do it legally though in a pharmacy. I bring this up because I can tell you multiple cases where I have seen people with stage four cancer on government health plans and be denied their meds. Crap like that happens and people want to blame the pharmacy. Pharmacy isn't at fault. It's that government health plan they got. Pharmacy is just the middle man. After witnessing crap like that I will never believe the government cares about the people.

Also we love to complain. Stop complaining and do something. Wait.... We can't. Republican and democrats are caught up in a stupid war to the point nothing can get done.

Most of the people I know are raging right wing fanatics. I once thought I was. I really could care less anymore. I bring this up because these right wing fanatics would rage about the government plan I mentioned but in the same breath obamacare is satanic... I'm not claiming obamacare is good or bad what I'm getting at is the system is broken but nothing can be done because instead of diving into the issues we are focused too much in a civil Cold War amongst our own brothern.

Politic are meaningless. It's broken and nothing's going to change until the system collapses.

What about religion...

American religion is probably more of a joke than our politics. I imagine a lot of people reading this are offended by this and I pray you see my heart in what I have to say. American religion, in specific American Christianity needs a painful wake up call.

I'm not some atheist who is out to rip the faith. Was born and raised in a christian home. Started preaching at the age of 14. Was an ordained minister for 4 years. A youth pastor for 2. Currently 25 years old. Young and foolish probably.

I want to see the American church be what it should be. I fear it never will. I fear it's broken. I fear it's crippled.

A lot of Christians have this idiotic notion that they said this prayer and now they wait for better days.

Read the scriptures and look at the early church. The focus was the people. It was the broken and dying world. That's not the focus now. Most churches have no focus. Instead it's become another stupid political system.

Leading cause of death in ohio. (Younger generations)

Drug over dose.

Why don't christian talk about this and do something. Instead of caring they are too concerned about what the image of the church would be if they reached out to the junkie and on top of the image the big tithers would take their tithes and go to the church down the street

Our world is broken. Until the American church cares, it is no churches. Just a group of hypocrits.

Religion is meaningless.

...... I want change. I want impact. Everything is broken. I want to fix it all. I don't know how......

Thank you for taking time to read my mad ramblings

Messages In This Thread
PnR utterly meaningless (mad ramblings) - CinciREborn - 05-14-2015, 08:58 PM

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