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The awkward truth of 'make America great again'
The world banks run everything. Our president doesn't have the power they use to have. The BIS and the other world banks are trying to make all the countries and individuals for that matter debt slaves from here on out.  It's a power grab by the world elite psychopaths who want to rule the world. The federal reserve (who is just a pawn under the BIS) is a privately owned business who pay dividends to its owners from all the money they print out of thin air. Do you know who the owners are? No ,because they won't tell us and won't let us audit their books. The global elites are purposely burying everyone under debt so they can have control over everyone and everything. Everything is run by the global elite and the world banks ,including the USA. So if you want to make America great again ,you'll have to start at the top. They have been setting this up for generations. The globalists want the New World Order, one world government, one world religion and one world currency. Thats what all these treatys are about that they keep signing in the name of the USA. The problem with fixing the USA is these psychopaths own a bunch of our crooked politicians and the Supreme Court. Our Presidents are on board to and have been for a while. Bush 1 used to talk about the New World Order in his speeches.(look it up) From at least Bush 1 to present "We the people..." have been sold out. 

Our elected officials are supposed to look out for our best interests as the USA and they don't. On the contrary they are weakening and distroying our country for the sake of globalism and the world state.

By the way the Bible also said that all this was going to happen.

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RE: The awkward truth of 'make America great again' - tigerseye - 05-03-2016, 02:43 PM

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