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Transgender Bathroom/Locker Room Question
(05-05-2016, 04:51 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: I know someone very well that has gone through the transition (not full, but appearance wise).   One of the toughest and most psychologically stressful experiences I've seen someone go through on their own direction.  A lot of that struggle is from outside pressures where people are unwilling to accept their choices (sound familiar?).   I will say that individual is happier today than at any point I've known them, multiple years after the treatments etc and after moving with their significant other to a completely new city where their previous gender identity doesn't cloud others perception of the present person before them.  

Nobody would bat an eye at this dude if he came into your pisser.  Even so, that nickle-dick piss any wouldn't say a ***** thing bc he'd beat the ever living shit out of them...  She would have too to be clear.  That's not "I walk around my gated community with a revolver" kind of peacocking.  That's real. 

All these supposed christians need to start acting with the compassion they preach rather than shunning someone going through something you don't even understand.  But I guess that's what you get when someone is raised to be closeminded so as to not question the bullshit being shoved down their throat. 

And there is a real life experience that I was asking for.
It wasn't about gender-fluid, but still nice to hear.
I live in a town of around 12k people.
I don't get to experience things like I used to, with being married and having kids.
So, I ask others.
I trust a few of you here, more than random webpages, written by people I don't know or may have a agenda.
I'm sure every gender-fluid person is different, so I doubt there is any "pattern " to which way fluidity swings.
This why it is a question I bring up when talking about the whole bathroom rights....ect.
How do you legislate something that undefined ?
I'm far more empathetic than I ever let on here, so don't think I'm attacking a group, when I'm attempting to provoke conversations.
I may not word things kindly sometimes, but at times it's necessary to get people to be involved in the discussion.
To be honest though, most of the time I am fighting off my 4yr old while trying to post and don't get to complete most of my thoughts.
I then have to roll with it, in attempt to not look like a backtracking oaf.
Well.... I guess I'll never get away from the oafish part.

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RE: Transgender Bathroom/Locker Room Question - Rotobeast - 05-05-2016, 05:13 PM

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