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Do we live in a Rape Culture?

Quote:Several recent cases of alleged sexual assault are proving consent is far more complicated than “no means no” when alcohol and drugs are involved.

The Criminal Code says it’s a crime to have sex with someone who’s too drunk or high to consent, even if the person doesn’t resist or fails to say “no.”

But that doesn’t stop it from happening. The Sexual Assault Centre of Essex County has seen a noticeable increase in the number of teenaged girls seeking counselling for sexual assault in the last year, and their stories often involve alcohol.

Staff Sgt. Edward Hickey of the Windsor police Special Victims Unit says officers often have a difficult message for women and girls reporting a sexual assault while they were drunk or high.

In a common scenario, the women say they woke up with their clothes off after a night of partying, with a fuzzy memory. One thing they would be sure of is that sexual contact happened while they were in no state to agree to it.

Sometimes there’s hard evidence of crimes like this, such as pictures, video or eyewitness accounts. But if there isn’t, police are often stuck telling them something that’s hard to hear: what you’re saying may well be true, but we don’t have much of a chance in court.

“I’d say, don’t expect any miracles here. It’s a good step, I’m glad you’re here and we’re trying to help you, but don’t have any unrealistic expectations,” Hickey said. “All (the accused) have to do is create a reasonable doubt. One small doubt in the judge’s mind and they win.”

Recent local allegations include Windsor Spitfire Ben Johnson’s charges in March for allegedly sexually assaulting a 20-year-old woman and a 16-year-old girl on two separate occasions in the washrooms of Windsor bars. This week, Ontario Provincial Police announced they had charged someone with sexually assaulting a teenaged girl after she allegedly became intoxicated and passed out at an after-prom party in an Essex County field.

The victims of sexual assault face stigma in any circumstance, but the victim-blaming they face can be even worse if they were drunk or high at the time. Pictures and video make useful evidence, but they can also provide another way to bully the victim when they’re passed around online or through cellphones – a double-edged sword that came into play when members of the Steubenville, Ohio high school football team sexually assaulted a very drunk girl at a party.

In extreme cases, such bullying can drive the victim to suicide. That’s what the parents of Nova Scotia teen Rehtaeh Parsons allege happened to their daughter in April and what the lawyer for the family of Saratoga, Calif. teen Audrie Pott alleges happened to the 15-year-old girl in September.

How drunk is too drunk to legally consent to sex? There’s no clear answer, and case law suggests judges and juries can be biased by traditional standards of how women should behave when it comes to drinking and partying.

Janine Benedet, a law professor at the University of British Columbia, has studied Canadian sexual assault cases involving intoxicated victims. Her research found that judges and juries were much more likely to determine a woman was too intoxicated to consent if the accused drugged her without her knowledge.

“Legally, it shouldn’t make a difference what the source of incapacity is,” Benedet said. “I think it really does reflect a very deep-seated, a very longstanding tradition of holding women responsible for getting themselves into trouble when they drink and take drugs. It’s very much an idea, even when it’s not expressed that way, that well, you were kind of asking for it.”

Benedet discovered many judges have determined that unless the victim was practically unconscious, she was still able to consent to sex. Her 2010 paper, The Sexual Assault of Intoxicated Women, cited cases in which judges or juries set the standard almost impossibly high.

Judges have ruled that a woman who was so drunk she was unable to speak, a woman who was stumbling and falling when the accused initiated sex in a public place and even a woman who was passed out in the road while two men fondled her breasts, were able to provide consent – in the latter case, because the judge thought it was possible she could have consented to the act before she passed out.

Given the difficulty of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim was so intoxicated she couldn’t consent – not to mention the emotional wringer victims go through when they testify – it’s not surprising most of these sexual assaults are never reported to police.  Even when they are, prosecutors will only proceed if they think there’s enough evidence to secure a conviction – and they’re even less likely to do so if the victim’s memory is a haze of alcohol and there are no witnesses.

With that in mind, the Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County is focusing on preventing assaults before they happen. The centre’s Party Safe program encourages young women to bring a sober friend along who makes sure everyone stays safe in drug and alcohol-fuelled situations.

Programs like this sometimes face criticism for putting the onus on women to change their behaviour instead of the men. However, the centre’s executive director Lydia Fiorini said it’s important to be realistic.

“We also have to deal with what the current realities and the trends are,” she said. “We know this is a reality, so what we’re trying to do is introduce a concept that’s going to reduce the risk of everybody getting in trouble. Including the offender.”

Fiorini said teenaged boys often have a poor understanding of the responsibility – both legally and as decent human beings – to get a clear, sober “yes” from their partners before having sex.

“When we say to them, do you understand there are laws around sexual activities, they kind of look at you like it’s very foreign to them,” she said. “It has to be really enthusiastic consent. It can’t be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or coerced in any way. And at any point somebody can withdraw consent.”
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-05-2016, 07:44 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-05-2016, 08:05 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-05-2016, 11:03 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-05-2016, 11:26 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-05-2016, 12:00 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-05-2016, 12:06 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Benton - 05-05-2016, 04:18 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Vlad - 05-13-2016, 12:18 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-05-2016, 12:07 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-05-2016, 11:59 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 03:10 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 03:18 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 09:21 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 01:11 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 01:30 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 01:38 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 01:45 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 02:08 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 02:47 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-06-2016, 07:59 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-06-2016, 08:18 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-06-2016, 08:55 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-07-2016, 10:01 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-07-2016, 11:12 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-06-2016, 08:57 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-06-2016, 04:43 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-07-2016, 09:58 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-07-2016, 10:33 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-07-2016, 11:30 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-07-2016, 12:51 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - xxlt - 05-07-2016, 11:35 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-07-2016, 05:17 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-07-2016, 11:28 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 07:08 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 09:11 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 09:46 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 09:48 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 09:52 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 10:03 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 10:52 AM
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RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Benton - 05-09-2016, 12:46 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Benton - 05-09-2016, 01:07 PM
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RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 09:34 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 09:46 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-09-2016, 10:08 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 10:00 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:10 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 08:43 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Benton - 05-10-2016, 09:06 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 10:06 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 10:30 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 10:38 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 10:44 AM
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RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:32 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Benton - 05-10-2016, 10:32 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Benton - 05-10-2016, 01:10 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 10:55 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 10:57 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:02 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:13 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:12 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:22 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:28 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-10-2016, 11:35 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-11-2016, 09:02 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-11-2016, 02:12 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-11-2016, 02:25 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-11-2016, 03:56 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-12-2016, 01:53 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-12-2016, 04:17 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-12-2016, 05:40 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 09:32 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 10:19 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - Vlad - 05-13-2016, 12:20 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 07:28 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 10:22 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 10:31 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 10:41 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 10:49 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 10:58 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 11:04 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 11:26 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 11:35 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 02:18 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 10:47 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 02:15 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 02:54 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 04:18 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 04:36 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - treee - 05-13-2016, 04:12 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-13-2016, 04:41 PM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 05-14-2016, 10:13 AM
RE: Do we live in a Rape Culture? - GMDino - 11-30-2017, 09:50 AM

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