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Gay marriage ruling about to come down
(06-26-2015, 03:33 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: With this decision, in the Majority Kennedy said that people and churches could still oppose SSM, is that right?

If that is correct, does that mean a bakery, caterer, photographer, church, reception hall and florist can deny their services to a same sex couples wedding and reception?

I'm not asking if these businesses can deny a donut to a gay man, I'm asking if they can refuse to take part in what that company sees as their sin?

Also, churches now can deny performing a wedding ceremony to anyone who is not part of the congregation, or even if one of the couple is another denomination. What if a gay couple says they are Christian and has belonged to a church for five years, would that church then been forced to perform a wedding ceremony?

I know that's a very specific circumstance though so it may never come up.

Just wondering.

No church will be forced to perform a gay wedding under any circumstances.

But I am guessing that businesses will not be allowed to discriminate against gay weddings.  The rights of a business are much different than the rights of a church or individual. But the SCOTUS has kind of muddied the waters there with the Hobby Lobby decision. This issue is far from resolved.

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RE: Gay marriage ruling about to come down - fredtoast - 06-26-2015, 03:41 PM

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