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Girl, 8, Choked by Man, 33, In Public Restroom
(05-17-2016, 10:42 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Actually, there is only enough information in your stories to say the Canadian one was someone pretending to be trans to not raise red flags. Dressing in drag is not claiming to be transgender. And on the first one, was the person actually presenting as a woman, or just claiming to be so after the fact? I ask because even if someone is a transwoman, if they walk into a women's restroom they will raise red flags if they are not presenting as a woman. And, since trans people live their lives as the gender with which they identify a guy walking into the women's restroom with a beard and a flat chest (well, maybe they have moobs) should set off red flags, and I would support anyone that would question them on it. But this all takes an understanding of what trans is, and as I've said before a lot of the issues raised are being raised from a position of ignorance.

And the last one has nothing at all to do with transgender bathroom issues. So I;m not sure why that was there.

You're actually using that as a defense? The first 4 examples were about trans or cross dressers taking advantage of the new bathroom laws to commit illicit acts.  Thats whole point of this debate. Trans, cross dressers, who cares.

Not that I am convinced that crime is actually escalating....yet. 
I had previously held the belief that if a man wanted to molest a child in the restroom, he'd do it no matter what he was dressed like.

So does the bathroom law encourage more men to pretend to be women in order to commit sex acts?
Based on the list below, theres not a single one of you all knowing liberals that can deny it may.

The truth is guys do this shit all the time. And they’ll do whatever it takes to perv on females. Here are some of the things they’ll do to get into female spaces:

  1. Hide cameras and microphones in female spaces.
  2. Crawl through ventilation ducts to view female spaces.
  3. Install double mirrors to view female spaces.
  4. Drill holes in walls to peep women’s spaces.
  5. Place cameras in shopping bags next to females wearing skirts.
  6. Risking arrest –and repeat arrest- sneaking into women’s restrooms.
  7. Dress up as and try to pass as female.
  8. Claim they are female.
  9. Try to pass laws permitting men who claim they are female to legally enter spaces where females do not want men.
  10. Try to pass laws that state that females don’t actually exist.
  11. Force law enforcement and media outlets to report male crimes against women as woman-on-woman crime, if the male is diagnosed with GID.

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RE: Girl, 8, Choked by Man, 33, In Public Restroom - Vlad - 05-17-2016, 01:03 PM

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