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Oklahoma Legislature passes bill criminalizing abortion
(05-20-2016, 01:37 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm not all or nothing on abortion either; however, too often legitimate debates are dismissed by the liberal because of religion. "He ignored science because of religion". When in actuallity those those debate the fact that life starts at conception are ignoring science.

We've been down this road before and it just isn't true.

Genesis 2:7  And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

According to The Holy Bible, that is when human life started.  Conception is when a genetically distinct human begins from two living cells.  If either of those cells isn't alive a new genetically distinct human will not form.  If a single cell is alive then it contains life; an otherworldly force (for lack of a better word) only your Creator can imbue into an inanimate object to make it an animated being.  Life is transferred from one generation to another at conception, it does not start at conception, human life started in Genesis 2:7.  Life is like a fire which cannot be restarted once it goes out and only a divine Creator has the ability to "start" life.  There are only two exceptions; the conception of Jesus and his resurrection. That is, if you believe in the Creation narrative of The Holy Bible.  Do you believe Creation narrative of The Holy Bible?

The chain of every human life alive today can be traced back, unbroken, to Adam.  What happened to that chain if it was broken by death or infertility?  There are no further descendants, the chain ends.

Edited to add: The life force in a single celled organism is every bit as miraculous as the life force in a fully formed, multicellular adult human. If you believe in the sanctity of life.

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RE: Oklahoma Legislature passes bill criminalizing abortion - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 05-20-2016, 08:35 PM

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