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Trying to tell us all that these people aren't the absolute scum of the earth.    This is exactly what we get when start believing that mentally challenged people are the opposite sex.    Now we get the pedos trying to legitimize their "disease" by telling us they are just made that way.....       

Quote:  Todd Nickerson began to suspect he was attracted to young girls when he was 13-years-old. At 18 he regularly babysat a five-year-old girl and eventually “fell in love” with her. Because he was molested at age seven, he knew the damage abuse caused and did not want to hurt the little girl. He packed up and left town so that he did not offend.

He later came out to his family as a pedophile.
Nickerson, now 43, says he has never abused a child and never will. He is involved in a website called “Virtuous Pedophiles” that provides an online discussion forum for people that are attracted to children but do not want to act on it.

“My purpose is to go out and educate people, allowing people like myself to come out and be open,” he said. “Society makes it harder by persecuting us because a lot of us become fatalistic.”

“We start to think it doesn’t matter what we do or say they’re going to hate us anyway.”
Watch Nickerson’s story here.

Messages In This Thread once again promoting pedos. - StLucieBengal - 05-22-2016, 07:57 PM

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