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  • 5 once again promoting pedos.
(05-23-2016, 11:03 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: So pedophilia is, of course, something that occurs in the brain chemistry. Everything about who we are is a result of brain chemistry. Our sexuality, our gender identity, our food preferences, everything. It is a result of how certain chemicals fit into certain receptors and what triggers those things to occur in our brains. None of it is something we can help. The complexity of how this all happens is astounding and is something that I doubt we will ever fully understand. But, this is what all of this has in common. Being trans occurs as a result of this, just like being cis does. Being heterosexual, homosexual, a pedophile, whatever is all a result of this brain chemistry.

Now, all of that was to say that this seems like someone that recognizes his issue, that his brain chemistry occurs in such a way that is not just socially unacceptable, but illegal. He knows that there is a moral line there that is not to be crossed because children cannot consent. Because acting on that brain chemistry is sexual assault. As a result of this he has attempted to form a community of people like him, that have the same issues with their brain chemistry but don't have the lack of self-control, that have the knowledge and understanding that they cannot act on this. They are doing this because them being pedophiles is not something they can help, but they can help how they act on that. They are saying that maybe we shouldn't be lumping them in with the sexual predators that act on this. I see no issue with that.

I especially see no issue with it because these pedophiles are the ones that we would never know about otherwise. Because we stigmatize it in such a way they have always been afraid to come out and say "look, my brain is wired for this, but I know it's wrong and so I keep that inside." Because they haven't, we don't know who they are. And what happens when one of them does act on that urge? No one knew. They were babysitting your kid and you had no idea. If we are accepting of them in a way that they feel comfortable knowing they will not be ostracized we can still know who they are and with that knowledge we can better protect our children.

Does that make any sense? I kind of rambled a bit there. TL;DR: By making them feel more comfortable letting us know their proclivities we can better keep an eye on pedophiles we would have otherwise never known about.

I'm sorry, but I disagree.
I understand what you are saying, but your scenario is strictly Utopian.
There is no way people calmly accept their admission and monitor peacefully.

II further disagree as I believe "making them comfortable" is the first step in the normalization of pedophilia and will lead down the SJW path of forced acceptance.
I also believe that were they to feel comfortable, they would be more likely to act out on it.
While I do think it ruthless, I believe the fear of immediate death (at the hands of the public) is necessary in this case to prevent the action.

In a perfect world, I'd be more inclined towards you plan.

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RE: once again promoting pedos. - Rotobeast - 05-23-2016, 11:33 AM

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